Naslov (eng)

Cashless Society – The Future of Money or a Utopia?


Fabris, Nikola

Opis (eng)

Abstract: In recent years we have witnessed a growing trend in cash- less transactions as well as products and services sold exclusively in this way. Also, after the onset of the global financial crisis, private crypto currencies appeared that have raised some concerns. All of these changes beg the question of whether modern societies are moving towards a cashless society. This also raises a number of other dilemmas such as whether cashless societies have negative implica- tions, whether they have what should be the response of economic policymakers, who would be potential winners and losers, and the like. The paper analyses the arguments both in favour and against cash- less society, the future of crypto currencies, as well as potential re- sponses of economic policymakers to the emergence of a cashless so- ciety. The paper concludes with the observation that it is not reason- able to expect the transition to a cashless society in the near future but the next step in the evolution of money might be the appearance of central bank digital currencies, at least in some countries






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Key words: cashless society, crypto currencies, economic policy, central bank digital currencies

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