Naslov (eng)

Evaluating the Role of the Exchange Rate in Monetary Policy Reaction Function of Advanced and Emerging Market Economies


Fabris, Nikola
Lazić, Milena

Opis (eng)

Abstract: The subject of this paper is the evaluation of monetary pol- icy reaction function on panel data of 37 world economies, both ad- vanced and emerging markets, during the period of 1995Q1 – 2018Q3. The paper aims to evaluate the role and importance of the exchange rate in monetary policy reaction function depending on the level of economic development. For this purpose, a relevant set of unbal- anced panel data was formed with a balanced relationship between developed and emerging market economies. The methodology of empirical research is based on the econometric assessment of mon- etary policy reaction function within which the central bank adjusts its key policy rate to the dynamics of inflation, output gap and fluc- tuations of the real effective exchange rate. The research results con- firm the hypothesis that the exchange rate represents a statistically significant variable only in the monetary policy reaction function of emerging market economies. In contrast, adequate specification of developed economies' monetary policy rule includes only standard macroeconomic fundamentals – inflation and output gap.






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Keywords: monetary policy reaction function, Taylor rule, panel data analysis, exchange rate, developed countries, emerging market economies

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