Naslov (slv)

Izvajanje programa nestabilnih površin pri športni vzgoji: učinki na moč in morfološke lastnosti

Naslov (eng)

Implementation of an unstable surface exercise program in physical education curriculum: effects on strength and morphological features


Живановић, Владимир
Бранковић, Драган
Којић, Филип


Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana

Opis (eng)

ABSTRACT: Although unstable strength training has gained popularity among athletes and the recreational population, there is scarce data regarding the applicability of this type of exercise program in school settings. The aim of the study was to investigate whether the implementation of an unstable surface strength exercise program in physical education would contribute to the improvement of physical fitness in 14-years students. A sample of 220 adolescents (112 girls) was randomly assigned to either the EXP (calisthenics exercise under unstable conditions) or the CON group (prescribed physical education strength exercise program). Before and after the 12- week period, upper-body isometric and repetitive strength were accessed using 4 motor tests. In addition, skinfold thickness (ST) was determined in subscapular, pectoral, and abdominal areas. Both groups improved strength performance (p < 0.01), with greater increase in EXP compared to CON for all motor tests (p < 0.01, ES = 0.21 – 0.45). Both groups decreased total, subscapular and abdominal ST (p < 0.05), with no significant effect of group. Unstable surface strength exercises are effective in improving physical abilities and should be included in the regular physical education curriculum.

Opis (slv)

IZVLEČEK: Čeprav je nestabilna vadba moči pridobila priljubljenost med športniki in rekreativno populacijo, je podatkov o uporabnosti tovrstnega vadbenega programa v šolskih okoljih malo. Namen raziskave je bil raziskati, ali bi izvajanje programa vadbe ne nestabilni površinski moči pri športni vzgoji pripomoglo k izboljšanju telesne pripravljenosti dijakov starih 14 let. Vzorec 220 mladostnikov (112 deklet) je smo naključno razporedili v EXP (kalistenično vadbo v nestabilnih razmerah) ali v CON skupino (predpisan program moči za športno vzgojo). Pred in po 12-tedenskem obdobju smo izmerili izometrično in ponavljajočo moč zgornjega dela telesa s štirimi motoričnimi testi. Izmerili smo tudi debelino kožne gube v subskapularnem, prsnem in abdominalnem predelu. Obe skupini sta izboljšali zmogljivost moči (p < 0,01), z večjim povečanjem EXP v primerjavi s CON za vse motorične teste (p < 0,01, ES = 0,21 – 0,45). Ugotovili smo značilno izboljšanje telesnih sposobnosti in jih je treba vključiti v redni učni načrt športne vzgoje.






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Keywords: adolescence, physical fitness, skinfold thickness, calisthenics

Ključne besede: adolescenca, telesna pripravljenost, debelina kožne gube, kalistenika

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