Naslov (eng)

Analysis of communication with the non-market environment : the case of Serbian and Montenegrin companies


Babić, Vojislav
Zarić, Siniša
Bujković, Rajko

Opis (eng)

Abstract: The aim of this analysis is to obtain data on the companies' communication with the non-market environment. As Baron [3] states, companies could be very successful in their market performance, but, at the same time, failing to manage well their relations with the political and social environment or regulatory bodies. The issue's characteristics, stemming from the fact that businesses operate in various social contexts, could be considered by using the institutional economics, public policy or the CSR approach. In this article, the managerial perspective is dominant. Communications, once understood as a process of exchange with the market forces (buyers, suppliers, distributors), are analyzed as a critical point for successful managing the non-market environment issues. The research is based on the practices and experiences of Serbian and Montenegrin companies. The collected data are one of the indicators of the companies' low commitment to managing relations with the nonmarket environment. The data in the research section were collected through an online questionnaire with closed answers and Likert scales. In Serbia, 80 companies out of 300 responded to the questionnaires sent, while in Montenegro 52 out of 397 companies in the country's most important economic centers answered to the questionnaires. Besides the cross-country approach, standard descriptive statistics and correlation analysis were applied in the survey. Bearing in mind the fact that a small number of Serbian and Montenegrin companies responded to a simple online questionnaire, this suggests a lack of trust among the respondents, which is often the case when relying on online questionnaires. On the other hand, this low response rate suggests that a large number of companies in both countries are not interested in the problem or that they are insufficiently informed or, furthermore, that they are not at all aware of the importance of non-market communication and corporate social responsibility.






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Keywords: non-market environment; regulatory environment; communication; public relations; event attendance

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