Naslov (eng)

Impact of ISO standard application on financial performance of private hospitals


Rakonjac Antić, Tatjana
Babić, Jasna
Rajić, Vesna

Opis (eng)

Abstract: Health care is a set of measures implemented with the aim of preventing the occurrence of diseases in the population, timely diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. Hospital health care is a part of a secondary level of health care. The paper examines the impact of the application of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO standards) on financial performance in private hospitals. The case study was made on the basis of a sample of the private hospitals in the city of Belgrade (the Republic of Serbia).

Opis (srp)

Sažetak: Zdravstvena zaštita predstavlja skup mera koje se sprovode sa ciljem prevencije nastanka bolesti kod stanovništva, blagovremene dijagnoze, lečenja i njihove rehabilitacije. Bolnička zdravstvena delatnost predstavlja deo sekundarnog nivoa zdravstvene zaštite. U radu je istražen uticaj primene standarda Međunarodne organizacije za standardizaciju (engl. “International Organization for Standardization”) - ISO standarda na finansijske performanse privatnih bolnica. Studija slučaja je urađena na osnovu uzorka privatnih bolnica na teritoriji grada Beograda (Republika Srbija)






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Ključne reči: sistem menadžmenta kvalitetom, ISO standardi, privatne bolnice, kvalitet zdravstvenih usluga, ekonomske koristi, finansijske performanse

Keywords: quality management system, ISO standards, private hospitals, the quality of health services, economic benefits, financial performance

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