Naslov (srp)

Elementi popularne kulture u dramskom stvaralaštvu Harolda Pintera : doktorska disertacija


Rafailović, Sanja, 1969-


Šofranac, Nataša, 1975-

Opis (eng)

The topic of this paper is defining the concept of popular culture, determining the elements ofpopular culture, and analysing their influence on the dramatic oeuvre of Harold Pinter, ie sevendramas: Dumb Waiter, Birthday Party, Caretaker, Homecoming, No Man's Land, Betrayal andCelebration. The paper is divided into six chapters.The first three chapters set the reference theoretical framework and rely on the explanations ofrenowned theorists in connection with the definition of the concept of popular culture and itselements, as well as the dramatic oeuvre of Harold Pinter.Chapters four, five, and six research the interference of the elements of popular culture andseven plays by Harold Pinter. A comparative method is used to analyse how Pinter's dramaticcharacters behave in the culture of consumerism and how they position themselves in relationto control, domination and power in capitalism. The paper studies the characteristics of theformations of the social associations of the protagonists of Pinter's plays, and the way in whichthese formations are shaped by popular culture. The relationship of the protagonists to theculture of body and pleasure, and to the culture of linguistic expression is analysed, as well asthe protagonists' search for identity and self through forms of acceptance, resistance,withdrawal and inversion of social discipline.The aim of this paper is to determine in what way and to what extent popular culture shapesand determines the dramatic oeuvre of Harold Pinter.The results of the research indicate that there is an unbreakable connection between theelements of popular culture and Pinter's dramatic cognition. Pinter's dramatic characters followtheir own desires, and in the form of resistance, avoidance, withdrawal or adaptation violatethe rules of the power bloc and create their own cultural space in the hegemonic society thatsurrounds them.

Opis (srp)

Tema ovog rada je definisanje pojma popularne kulture, određivanje elemenatapopularne kulture i utvrđivanje uticaja istih na dramsko stvaralaštvo Harolda Pintera, odnosnona sedam drama: Kuhinjski lift, Rođendanska zabava, Nastojnik, Povratak, Ničija zemlja, Izdaja iProslava. Rad je podeljen na šest poglavlja.Prva tri poglavlja postavljaju referentni teorijski okvir i oslanjaju se na eksplikacijerenomiranih teoretičara u vezi sa određivanjem pojma popularne kulture i njenih elemenata,kao i dramskog stvaralaštva Harolda Pintera.Četvrto, peto i šesto poglavlje istražuju interferentnost elemenata popularne kulture isedam drama Harolda Pintera. Putem komparativne metode se istražuje kako se Pinterovidramski likovi ponašaju u potrošačkoj kulturi i kako se postavljaju u odnosu na kontrolu,dominaciju i moć u kapitalizmu. Razmatraju se karakteristike formacija društvenogudruživanja protagonista Pinterovih drama, i na koji način su navedene formacije oblikovanepopularnom kulturom. Proučava se odnos protagonista prema kulturi tela i zadovoljstva, iprema kulturi jezičkog izražavanja, kao i njihovo traganje za identitetom i sopstvom krozoblike prihvatanja, otpora, povlačenja i inverzije društvene discipline.Cilj rada jeste utvrđivanje na koji način i u kojoj meri popularna kultura oblikuje iodređuje dramsko stvaralaštvo Harolda Pintera.Rezultati rada ukazuju da postoji neraskidiva povezanost elemanata popularne kulturei Pinterove dramske kognicije. Pinterovi dramski likovi prate svoja vlastita htenja, i u viduotpora, izbegavanja, povlačenja ili prilagođavanja krše pravila bloka moći i stvaraju vlastitikulturni prostor u hegemonističkom društvu koje ih okružuje.

Opis (srp)

Nauka o književnosti - Engleska književnost / Literature - English Literature Datum odbrane: 30.09.2022.






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Engleska književnost

1. popular culture 5. capitalism 2. elements of popular culture 6. consumerism 3. Harold Pinter 7. control 4. dramatic oeuvre 8. identity

OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Engleska književnost

1. popularna kultura 5. kapitalizam 2. elementi popularne kulture 6. konzumerizam 3. Harold Pinter 7. kontrola 4. dramsko stvaralaštvo 8. identitet