Naslov (srp)

Efekti ketogene dijete na mišićnu silu, telesni sastav, hormonalni i lipidni profil kod sredovečnih treniranih muškaraca : doktorska disertacija


Vidić, Vladimir, 1975-


Toskić, Lazar, 1989-
Ilić, Vladimir, 1981-
Đorđević-Nikić, Marina, 1962-
Janković, Nenad, 1966-
Macura, Marija, 1962-

Opis (eng)

The ketogenic diet is the subject of interdisciplinary study in several scientific fields, includingthe field of sports sciences. What sets this diet apart from other diets is its specific effect onmetabolism by causing a state of nutritional ketosis through increasing the production of ketonebodies in human organism. These molecules are formed by fat metabolism in the absence ofcarbohydrates introduced through the diet. Ketone bodies are of special interest in the field ofbiomedical sciences because, in addition to a number of metabolic functions, they have a specificrole as an alternative energy source and are able to replace glucose to a certain extent. There isadditional interest in the influence of this diet due to its, allegedly, greater efficiency in reducingbody weight and changing body composition. This change means reducing the fat component ofthe body composition and preserving or increasing its fat-free component, which is mostly madeup of muscle tissue. We should also mention the potential influence of ketogenic diet on thehormonal profile by reducing carbohydrate intake and increasing saturated fat and cholesterolintake that affects the secretion of insulin and testosterone, which have a great impact on bodycomposition and muscle strength.A review of the relevant literature showed that the issue of using a ketogenic diet inconditions of physical activity when it is applied with high-intensity training in which theprimary energy sources are glucose and glycogen depots in the ordinary diet conditions. Inaccordance with the stated reasons, a research was designed in which the influence of theketogenic diet with resistance training was examined on the values of variables of musclestrength, body composition and certain biochemical indicators of importance.The sample of subjects was 20 middle-aged men aged 40 to 45 with extensiveexperience in resistance training for muscular hypertrophy. Subjects were randomized anddivided into two groups, the group that followed a ketogenic diet with significantly reducedcarbohydrate intake and increased fat intake and the control group that implemented a non-ketogenic diet also with significantly reduced carbohydrate intake and increased fat intake. Thisdesign of the study aimed to minimize the differences between the groups in the macronutrientcontent and the only difference was aimed to be the state of nutritional ketosis in order to isolatethe influence of ketone bodies in maximally equalized and controlled condition. Both groupswere uniform in calorie intake and conducted identical resistance training, specifically designedfor muscle hypertrophy. Diet was an independent variable while muscle strength, bodycomposition, hormones testosterone and insulin, lipid profile, and blood glucose levels weredependent variables in the study.For statistical data processing, in addition to descriptive statistics, the T test was usedto determine differences between the introductory and experimental diet. Mixed (Split plot)ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc test was used to determine the effect of diet on measuredvariables, i.e. to determine differences in dependent variables between groups for each time pointas well as to determine differences in dependent variables within groups over time. Thesignificance level is set to p <0.05...

Opis (srp)

Ketogena dijeta je predmet interdisciplinarnog prouĉavanja u više nauĉnih oblasti meĊu kojimaje i oblast sportskih nauka. Ono što ovu dijetu izdvaja od ostalih naĉina ishrane je njen specifiĉanuticaj na metabolizam putem izazivanja stanja nutritivne ketoze povećanjem produkcijeketonskih tela u ljudskom organizmu. Ovi molekuli nastaju metabolizmom masti u nedostatkuugljenih hidrata unetih kroz ishranu. Ketonska tela su od posebnog interesovanja u oblastibiomedicinskih nauka jer pored niza metaboliĉkih funkcija imaju specifiĉnu ulogu kaoalternativni izvor energije i sposobna su da u odreĊenoj meri zamene glukozu. Dodatno jeinteresovanje za uticaj ove dijete zbog njene, navodno, veće efikasnosti u smanjenju telesnemase odnosno promeni telesnog sastava. Ova promena podrazumeva smanjenje masnekomponente telesnog sastava i oĉuvanje ili povećanje njegove bezmasne komponente koju unajvećoj meri ĉini mišićno tkivo. Treba pomenuti i potencijalni uticaj ketogene dijete nahormonalni profil smanjenjem unosa ugljenih hidrata i povećanjem unosa zasićenih masti iholesterola, ĉime se utiĉe na izluĉivanje insulina i testosterona koji imaju veliki uticaj na telesnisastav i ispoljavanje mišićne sile.Pregledom relevantne literature uoĉeno je da nije dovoljno istraženo pitanje primeneketogene dijete u uslovima fiziĉke aktivnosti kada se ona primenjuje uz trening sa opterećenjemvisokog intenziteta u kome su pri uobiĉajenom dijetalnom režimu primarni izvori energijeglukoza i glikogenski depoi. U skladu sa navedenim razlozima dizajnirano je istraživanje ukojem je ispitan uticaj ketogene dijete uz trening sa opterećenjem na vrednosti mišićne sile,telesnog sastava i odreĊenih biohemijskih pokazatelja od znaĉaja.Uzorak ispitanika je bio 20 sredoveĉnih muškaraca starosti od 40 do 45 godina savelikim iskustvom u treningu sa opterećenjem za mišićnu hipertrofiju. Ispitanici surandomizovani i podeljeni u dve grupe, grupu koja je sprovodila ketogeni dijetalni režim saznaĉajno smanjenim unosom ugljenih hidrata i povećanim unosom masti i kontrolnu grupu kojaje sprovodila neketogeni dijetalni režim, takoĊe sa znaĉajno smanjenim unosom ugljenih hidratai povećanim unosom masti. Ovakav dizajn studije je imao za cilj da se grupe minimalnorazlikuju u unosu makronutrijenata a da jedina razlika bude stanje nutritivne ketoze kako bi seizolovao uticaj ketonskih tela u maksimalno izjednaĉenim i kontrolisanim uslovima. Obe grupesu bile ujednaĉene po unosu kalorija i sprovodile su identiĉan trening sa opterećenjem, ciljanodizajniran za mišićnu hipertrofiju. Dijeta je bila nezavisna varijabla dok su mišićna sila, telesnisastav, hormoni testosteron i insulin, lipidni profil i nivo glikemije u krvi ĉinili zavisne varijableu istraživanju.Za statistiĉku obradu podataka, pored deskriptivne statistike, upotrebljen je T test zautvrĊivanje razlika izmeĊu uvodne i eksperimenalne dijete. Mixed (Split plot) ANOVA saBonferroni post hoc testom je primenjena kako bi se utvrdio uticaj dijete na merene varijable,odnosno kako bi se utvrdile razlike u zavisnim varijablama izmeĊu grupa za svaku vremenskutaĉku kao i za utvrĊivanje razlika u zavisnim varijablama unutar svake grupe tokom vremena.Nivo znaĉajnosti je podešen na p < 0.05...

Opis (srp)

Fiziĉko vaspitanje i sport - Biomedicinske nauke u fiziĉkom vaspitanju, sportu i rekreaciji / Physical education and sport - Biomedical sciences in physical education, sports and recreation Datum odbrane: 15.09.2022.






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Teorija sporta

Ketogena dijeta, Mišićna sila, Telesni sastav, Testosteron, Insulin, Lipidni profil, Sredovečni muškarc


OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Teorija sporta

Ketogenic diet, Muscle strength, Body composition, Testosterone, Insulin, Lipid profile, Middle-aged men