Naslov (eng)

Iran-Saudi Arabia rivalry after the Islamic revolution of Iran : doctoral dissertation


Nakhavali, Miad, 1989-


Simić, Dragan R., 1961-
Ajzenhamer, Vladimir V., 1977-
Đukanović, Dragan, 1974-

Opis (srp)

Predmet predložene teme doktorske disertacije, Odnosi Irana i Saudijske Arabije nakon islamske revolucije u Iranu” jedna je od naji a ovniji tema u dana njoj svetskoj politici. okus na eg istraživanja asnovan je na domaćim i me unarodnim faktorima koji su do sada pogre no postavljani u pret odnim istraživanjima. nar i ni sistem me unarodnog sistema i njegova struktura samopomoći uti u na odnos dve države, bilo da je re o periodu Persijske monar ije pod sekularnim režimom poslednjeg iranskog a a, ili o periodu Islamske Republike koja je asnovana na erijatskom pravu i islamskim principima.ovom istraživanju fokusiraćemo se na injenicu da u odnosima rana i Saudijske rabije postoje ra li iti faktori i prepreke, poput verski , ideolo ki i etni ki ra lika, u e će Saudijaca u slabljenju i i olaciji rana, Saudijsko rivalstvo nakon pada Sadama useina, politi ko vo stvo islamskog sveta nakon rapskog proleća, iranska podr ka e bola u i amasu itd. Cilj ovog istraživanja je ra umevanje odnosa rana i Saudijske rabije, kako na me unarodnom, tako i na domaćem planu. Da bismo ra umeli odnos i me u ove dve susedne države, pored strukture me unarodne arene, moramo u eti u ob ir i sve unutra nje slojeve politike, uklju ujući ideologiju, kulturu, istoriju itd.Iako su Iran i Saudijska Arabija pre islamske revolucije imali napetu istoriju i imali su nekoliko i a ova u geopoliti kim pitanjima, kao i u pogledu cene nafte, trijumfom islamske revolucije 1979. godine, ovom sukobu dodan je i ideolo ki aspekt. Od tada se ovaj sukob neprestano povećavao, iako se ovaj odnos pobolj avao ili pogor avao pod ra li itim predsednicima u avisnosti od predsedni ke politike.

Opis (eng)

The subject of the proposed topic of the doctoral dissertation “Relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia after the Islamic revolution of Iran” is one of the most challenging topics in today’s world politics. The focus of our research is based on both domestic and international factors that have been misplaced in the previous researches. The anarchic system of the international system, and its self-help structure, affect the relationship between the two countries, whether it is the period of the Persian monarchy under the secular regime of the last Iranian Shah, or the period of the Islamic Republic based on Sharia law and Islamic principles.In this research we will focus on the fact that there are various fundamental factors and obstacles in the relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, such as religious, ideological and ethnic differences, the participation of Saudis in the weakening and isolation of Iran, the Iranian-Saudi rivalry after the fall of Saddam Hussein, the political leadership of the Islamic world after the Arab Spring, Iranian support for Hezbollah and Hamas, etc. The aim of this research is to understand the relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, both internationally and domestically. In order to understand the relationship between these two neighbouring countries, in addition to the structure of the international arena, we must consider all internal layers of the politics, including ideology, culture, history, etc.Although Iran and Saudi Arabia had a tense history before the Islamic Revolution and had several challenges on geopolitical issues, as well as on the price of oil, with the triumph of the Islamic Revolution in 1979, an ideological aspect was added to this conflict. Since then, this conflict has steadily increased, although this relationship has improved or worsened under different presidents depending on the presidential policy.

Opis (eng)

International politics - Middle Eastern studies Datum odbrane: 09.09.2022.






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Neevropske države

Iran, Saudijska rabija, odnosi, slamska revolucija, neoklasi ni reali am

OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Neevropske države

Iran, Saudi Arabia, relations, Islamic revolution, neoclassical realism