Naslov (srp)

Effect of application of additional differentiated kinesiological activities on motor status of preschool children

Naslov (srp)

Efekat primene dodatnih diferenciranih kinezioloških aktivnosti na motorički status predškolske dece


Пелемиш, Владан


Beograd : Univerzitet, Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja

Opis (srp)

Uvod: Predškolsko vaspitanje je prvi stepen, prvi nivo obrazovnog sistema koji obuhvata specifičan razvojni period deteta u uzrastu od 1. do 7. godine. Složeni procesi diferenciranja različitih tkiva, funkcionalnog sazrevanja organskog sistema i procesi rasta, koji karakterišu izrazit morfo-motorički razvoj dečijeg organizma, zahtevaju kvalitetan (teorijsko-metodički) pristup vaspitanju i obrazovanju u predškolskom periodu, a koji se zasniva na interdisciplinarnim naučnim osnovama (Savičević, 01 a). Istraživanja pokazuju da 75% odrasle dece ima značajne zdravstvene probleme usled posledica istih u detinjstvu, a da se svako četvrto dete razboli u toku godine četiri puta, tako da je apsolutno zdravo samo 10% one dece koja pohađaju predškolske ustanove (Pelemiš, 2016a). Zabrinjavajući broj dece izjašnjava se da svoje slobodno vreme provodi za računarom i uz televiziju, što ih dovodi u vezu delovanja riziko faktora po zdravlje (Djokić, 014).Može se slobodno konstatovati da je hipokinezija (smanjena količina fizičkeaktivnosti) trend savremenog načina života koji narušava zdravstveni status u celini usled ograničenog kretanja (Prskalo, 015). Briga za dete u predškolskoj ustanovi, njegov normalan fizički razvoj, priznat je kao jedan od najvažnijih zadataka u vaspitanju predškolske dece. Svetska zdravstvena organizacija (WHO, 000) poslednjih godina veliku pažnju pridaje nedovoljnoj fizičkoj aktivnosti, te je svrstava u riziko faktor i izjednačava je sa riziko faktorom koji su ranije samo imali hipertenzija i gojaznost. Istraživanja u SAD i Novom Zelandu dokazuju izuzetnu važnost prvih godina detetovog života u predškolskoj ustanovi radi uspostavljanja novih sinapsi, koji stvaraju glavne moždane puteve učenja razvijajući tako 0% sposobnosti za učenje na kojima se temelji celokupno buduće znanje deteta (Savičević, 01 b). Motorika dece inicira brojne razvojne stimulanse koji povoljno utiču na razvoj deteta u celini (Popović & Stupar, 011). Još mnogo ranije je utvrđeno da je motoričko funkcionisanje predškolske dece generalnog tipa (Ismail & Gruber, 1971; Bala, 19 0), što znači da u predškolskom uzrastu još nema izdiferenciranih motoričkih sposobnosti, deca reaguju celim telom i celokupnom motorikom. Taj trend zadržao se do današnjeg dana i pored različitih dodadnih uticaja kinezioloških aktivnosti (Pelemiš, 01 b; Mandić, Martinović, & Pelemiš, 017). Nakon saznanja o nalazima dosadašnjih istraživanja, nedostatak koji je do sada proveden u studijama sličnog karaktera bi se ogledao u nedovoljnom broju nalaza koji ukazujuna činjenice o tome da li i u kojoj meri dodatni program kinezioloških aktivnosti usmeren diferencirano i kao različit oblik kineziološkog tretmana u vaninstitucinalnoj formi može da poboljša motorički status dece u predškolskom uzrastu. S toga bi ova studija trebala dati odgovore na pitanja da li deca predškolskog uzrasta, različitog pola, mogu prouzrokovati eventualne značajne razlike nakon primenjenog diferenciranog kineziološkog tretmana na njihov motorički status, te koji od hipotetskih motoričkih faktora je najdominantniji za ispoljene polne razlike. Kada se zanemari pol dece, studija bi trebala dati odgovore na pitanja da li je dodatni kineziološki tretman izazvao promene u motoričkom statusu dece. To bi u predškolskom uzrastu moglo ukazati na činjenicu koji pol dece bi mogao imati veće sklonosti prema kvalitatvnim, a koji prema kvantitativnim motoričkim sposobnostima, što bi moglo da objasni usmerenje dece prema izboru sportskih aktivnosti u vaninstitucionalnoj formi.Cilj istraživanja bio je da se primenom eksperimentalne metode naučno utvrdi da li posebno programiran šestomesečni kineziološki tretman koji je različito koncipiran u redovnim uslovima rada 89predškolske ustanove, može rezultirati značajnim promenama u motoričkim sposobnostima kod dece predškolskog uzrasta, hronološke dobi i 7 godina.

Opis (srp)

Opis (eng)

Introduction: Preschool education is the first level, the first phase of the education system that refers to a specific developmental period of a child aged 1 to 7. Complex processes of differentiation of differentt issues, functional maturation of the organ system and growth processes, which characterize the extensive morpho-motor development of the child's body, require a good-quality (theoretical-methodological) approach to education in preschool, based on interdisciplinary scientific foundations (Savičević, 01 a). Studies show that 75% of adult children have significant health issues due to the issues in childhood, and that every fourth child gets sick four times a year, and that only 10% of those children who attend preschool are absolutely healthy (Pelemis, 2016a). A significant number of children say that they spend their leisure time at the computer and watching television, which brings them into contact with the effects of risk factors to health (Djokić, 014). It can be said that hypokinesia (reduced physical activity) is the result of the modern way of living that affects the health status as a whole due to limited movement (Prskalo, 2015). Caring for children in a preschool institution, and for their normal physical development, is recognized as one of the most important education objectives for preschool children. In recent years, the World Health Organization (WHO, 2000) has paid great attention to insufficient physical activity, classifying it as a risk factor and equating it with a risk factor that was previously only connected with hypertension and obesity. Studies conducted in the USA and New Zealand prove that the first years a child spends in preschool are of exceptional importance for forming new synapses, which create the main learning pathways in the brain, thus developing 80% of learning abilities on which the child's future knowledge is based (Savičević, 2012b). Children's motor skills initiate numerous developmental stimuli that favourably affect the development of the child as a whole (Popović & Stupar, 011). Long time ago, it was established that preschool children should have general motor skills (Ismail & Gruber, 1971; Bala, 1980), which means that in preschool age there are no differentiated motor abilities, children react with the whole body and overall motor skills. This trend has persisted to this day, despite various additional influences of kinesiology activities (Pelemiš, 01 b; Mandić, Martinović, & Pelemiš, 017). After an insight into the findings of past studies, the shortcomings of the studies of a similar nature conducted so far are related to the insufficient number of findings that indicate whether and to what extent the additional kinesiology activities directed differently and as a different form of kinesiology activity program can improve motor skills of preschool children. Therefore, this study should provide answers to the questions of whether preschool children of both genders can experience possible significant effects on their motor skills after different kinesiology activity programs, and which hypothetical motor factor is the most dominant for the observed gender differences. When children's gender is excluded, the study should provide the answer to the question of whether additional kinesiology activity programs caused changes in children's motor skills. In preschool age, this could show us which gender could have greater inclination towards qualitative and which towards quantitative motor skills, which could explain children's choice of sports activities outside of education institution. The goal of this research was to scientifically determine whether a specially programmed six- month kinesiology activity programs, which is differently organized under the regular learning activities in a preschool institution, can result in significant changes in motor skills in preschool children aged between 6 and 7.






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