Naslov (eng)

Mastering english language skills for effective business communication


Гојков Рајић, Александара


University of Novo mesto, Faculty of Economics and Informatics

Opis (eng)

Abstract: Mastering the English language has become one of the key competencies in modern business communication. Nowadays, globalization and internationalization of business as well as a successful business career are closely related to English language skills and knowledge of international business trends. This paper deals with the impact of English language proficiency on the status of employees, the development of certain language skills that contribute to the success of the individual and also the company, but also how ignorance negatively affects business. Thus, the aim of this paper is to use the meta-analytic approach to draw on the findings of previous research in the field of business and language learning, and to raise awareness of the importance of good language skills for effective language communication in business. Based on the findings of the meta-analysis, it was concluded that English language proficiency has a positive effect on an individual’s development and increases both personal income and that of the company.






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Keywords: English language, business areas, language competencies, language skills

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