Naslov (srp)

Austro-Ugarska i Jevreji u Bosni i Hercegovini: (1878-1914) : doktorska disertacija


Lužija, Stojanka, 1982-


Dobrovšak, Ljiljana, 1971-
Samardžić, Nikola, 1961-
Dajč, Haris, 1983-

Opis (srp)

Tema disertacije je uticaj austrougarske uprave na položaj Jevreja na prostoru Bosne iHercegovine. Posmatrani vremenski okvir obuhvata period od austrougarske uprave od 1878.godine do početka Prvog svjetskog rata, 1914. godine. Uspostavom austrougarske uprave naprostoru Bosne i Hercegovine, započet je proces tranzicije društvenog i upravnog sistema, izosmanskog ka modernijem austrougarskom. Koristeći arhivsku građu, ali i relevantnu naučnuliteraturu nastojali smo da objasnimo kakve su promjene nastupile u uređenju jevrejske zajednice naprostoru Bosne i Hercegovine, odnosno kako se odvijalo ujednačavanje statusa Jevreja u Bosni iHercegovini sa statusom Jevreja u Monarhiji, zatim da ukažemo koliko su novodoseljeni Jevrejiuticali na privredni preobražaj i razvoj Bosne i Hercegovine u vrijeme austrougarske uprave, tetakođe da damo osvrt na učešće Jevreja u političkom životu koji se pod austrougarskom upravom uBosni i Hercegovini počeo oblikovati. Poseban segment istraživanja predstavljali su odnosi izmeđusefardske i aškenaske zajednice, koji su obilježeni različitim istorijskim razvojem kroz koji je svakaod ovih zajednica prošla. Dio disertacije posvećen je i izgradnji školskog sistema, kao i organizacijii djelovanju jevrejskih kulturnih i humanitarnih društava, koje se odvijao pod nadzoromaustrougarske uprave. Posebnu pažnju posvetili smo razvoju cionističkog pokreta. Istražili smonjegove ideje, širenje, ali i krajnje domete na prostoru Bosne i Hercegovine.

Opis (srp)

Istorija - Opšta istorija novog veka / History - Modern History Datum odbrane: 06.04.2022.

Opis (eng)

The topic of this dissertation is the influence of the Austro-Hungarian administration onthe position of Jews in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The observed time frame covers the period ofAustro-Hungarian administration from 1878 to the beginning of the First World War in 1914. Theestablishment of the Austro-Hungarian administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina initiated thetransition process of the social and administrative system from the Ottoman to the more modernAustro-Hungarian. While using the archival material, but also relevant scientific literature, westrived to explain what changes had occured in the organization of the Jewish community in Bosniaand Herzegovina, i.e., how the status of Jews in Bosnia and Herzegovina was balanced with thestatus of Jews in the Monarchy; to indicate how much newly inhabited Jews influenced theeconomic transformation and development of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also to provide anoverview of the participation of Jews in the political life which began to form under the Austro-Hungarian administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A particular segment of this research was therelations between the Sephardic and Ashkenazi communities, which were marked by differenthistorical developments that each of these communities had experienced. Likewise, a part of thedissertation was dedicated to the establishment of the education system, as well as the organizationand activities of Jewish cultural and humanitarian societies, which occured under the supervision ofthe Austro-Hungarian administration. A special attention was paid to the development of the Zionstmovement. We researched its ideas, expansion, but also the ultimate achievements in the territory ofBosnia and Herzegovina.






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Istorija novog veka

Austro-Ugarska, Jevreji, Sefardi, Aškenazi, Bosna i Hercegovina, vjerske opštine, privreda, cionizam

OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Istorija novog veka

Austro-Hungary, Jews, Sephardim, Ashkenazi, Bosnia and Herzegovina, religious communities, economy, Zionism