Naslov (ron)

Banatul, temă lirică în literatura Română din Voivodina

Naslov (eng)

Banat аs a lyric theme in Romanian literature in Vojvodina


Жујка, Бриндуша
Негру, Маринел


Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University / Centre for the Research of the Imaginary "Speculum", "1 Decembrie 1918" University, Alba Iulia / Complutense University of Madrid / Romanian Language Institute, Bucharest

Opis (eng)

Abstract: In Romanian literature in Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia, poetry is the favourite genre of writers, especially when it comes to the second half of the twentieth century. Among the lyrical themes often explored by the authors who wrote their texts in Romanian, the theme of the homeland of yesterday and today, occupied a privileged place. Natural beauty, childhood images, loved ones, customs and traditions, educational aspects, social coexistence, the multicultural specificity have also quite often become literary topics. This article reveals some lyrical experiences in which the homeland - Banat, is in the focus of some poets, belonging to different literary generations. Their writings are according to the feelings of nostalgia, alienation, wanting to return to the past through recollection or dreams. On the other hand, in addition to daydreams of their home and self-searches, we are drawn to the approaches to these topics that place Romanian literature in its own right, at the confluence of the two European literatures, Romanian and Serbian. The lyrical creations that present such characteristics are included both in author's collections of works as well as on the pages of the magazine „Lumina", the symbolic publication of Romanian culture in the former Yugoslavia and present-day Serbia.






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Keywords: literature; Romanian poetry; homeland; trends.

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