Naslov (eng)

Learning strategies and self-regulation of gifted students: didactic aspects

Naslov (srp)

Strategije učenja i samoregulacija darovitih studenata: didaktički aspekti


Стојановић, Александар


MIB d.o.o.

Opis (srp)

Apstrakt: U radu se posmatra deo nalaza iz jednog šireg eksplorativnog istraživanja s’ ciljem da se, fokusiranjem na odnose motivacionih strategija učenja akademski darovitih studenata i osposobljenosti za samoregulaciju sa-gledaju mogućnosti prilagođavanja poučavanja mentalnim strategijama studenata. Teorijski kontekst rada čini Sternbergova Teorija mentalnog samoupravljanja i Decijeva teorja samoregulacije. Korišćena je metoda siste-matskog neeksperimentalnog posmatranja, a baterijom skala Likertovom tipa (KSU-deset subskala) snimane su komponente samoregulisanog učenja, čiji je koeficijent pouzdanosti, izražen Cronbahovim koefijentom 0,84; potvrđena je faktorska struktura skala onako kako je definisana u konsultovanoj literaturi. Uzorak je prigodni, a činilo ga je 514 studenata Učiteljskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, od čega je 92 akademski darovitih, čiji je prosečni uspeh na studijama iznad 9,00. Osnovni nalazi odnose se na sledeće: akademski daroviti stu-denti imaju jače izraženu komponentu samoodređenja ciljeva i organizacije kojom će se iste ostvariti, tj. da dobro organizuju vreme, planiranje učenja, a prisutne su i sposobnosti da se lako koncentrišu na učenje i lako i brzo uče, oslanjaju se na složene strategije poput elaboracije i povezivanja sa drugim sadržajima, a jače im je izražen i osećaj kompetencije prilikom izvršavanja zadataka koje je usmereno postizanju željenih ciljeva, dakle, usmerenost ka cilju, verovanja o samoefikasnosti za postavljanje ciljeva je osnova pokretanja ličnosti darovitih u pravcu ostvarenja istih. U okviru subskale motivacionih strategija kod darovitih se jače izražavaju metakog-nitivne komponente učenja, poput: prepoznavanje problema; odlučivanje o tome šta je njegova suština; izbor koraka neophodnih za rešavanje problema; izbor načina prezentovanja informacija; pronalaženje strategija za određivanje koraka, odnosno kombinovanje komponenti; izbor mentalne reprezentacije za predstavljanje informacija, raspoređivanje mentalnih resursa, izbor težišta pažnje i nadgledanje toka rešavanja problema i evaluacija rešenja, i osetljivost za spoljašnji fidbek, a izrazita razlika nađena je u strategijama suočavanja sa neuspehom, koja je kod darovitih usmerena na rešavanje problema. Indikovane motivacione strategije put su ka personalizaciji didaktičkih instrukcija u mentorskom radu sa darovitima.

Opis (eng)

Abstract: The paper deals with a part of the findings from a broader exploratory research with the aim of fo-cusing on the relationship between motivational learning strategies of academically gifted students and their ability for self-regulation in order to perceive the possibilities of adapting teaching activity to students' mental strategies. The theoretical context of the paper is Sternberg's Theory of Mental Self-Management and Deci's Theory of Self-Regulation. The method of systematic non-experimental observation was used, and the battery of Likert-type scales (KSU-ten subscales) recorded the components of self-regulated learning. Its reliability coefficient expressed by the Cronbach's coefficient was 0.84. The factor structure of the scale was confirmed as defined in the consulted literature. The sampling is convenience, and it consists of 514 students of the Teacher Education Faculty, University of Belgrade; 92 students whose average grade in studies is above 9.00 are academically gifted. The basic findings refer to the following: academically gifted students show strong self-determination to achieve the set goals and they are well organized, i.e. they organize their time well, systematize learning, fully concentrate on learning and learn easily and quickly, rely on complex strategies such as elabo-ration and connection with other contents, and show stronger sense of competence when performing tasks which aim at achieving the desired goals. Therefore, orientation towards the goal, and belief in self-efficacy for setting goals make the basis for moving gifted students towards achievement. Within the subscale of mo-tivational strategies in gifted students, meta-cognitive components of learning are strongly expressed, such as: problem recognition, deciding about the main point, selecting steps necessary for problem solving, choosing the way of presenting information, finding strategies for determining the steps, i.e. combining components, choosing mental representation for presenting information, allocating mental resources, choosing the focus of atten-tion and monitoring the course of problem solving and evaluation of solutions, and sensitivity to external feedback. Distinct difference was found in strategies for dealing with failure which is directed towards problem solving. Indi-cated motivational strategies are the way to personalize didactic instructions in mentoring work with gifted students.






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Ključne reči: daroviti, strategije učenja, samoregulacija, didaktičke instrukcije

Keywords: gifted students, learning strategies, self-regulation, didactic instructions

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