Naslov (eng)

School facilities achieved in the field of nature and society with persons with easy intellectual disabilities in the primary school


Николић, Ивко
Пелемиш, Владан
Шеховић, Сефедин


Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology and Social Work, "Aurel Vlaicu" University, Arad

Opis (eng)

Abstract: The main objective of this research refers to the correlation of perceptual skills and attention to the adoption of materials as well as contributions surveyed variables on school achievement in the program area of “The seasons, changes caused by their replacement in nature and society”. The sample consisted of 93 interviewees with mild intellectual disability, aged 8 to 12 years and 3 months, both sexes, no neurological, sensory and combined disturbances. To access the ability of respondents we used the first and third subtest Acadia test of developmental skills (auditory and visual discrimination), C3 scale Luria Nebraska Battery for Children (tactile perception), trunk and Criterion test knowledge test. The results show a significant correlation between estimated cognitive ability and achievement in the program area of “The seasons, changes caused by their replacement in nature and society”, which is taught in the subject of Natural and Social Sciences. Of all the estimated abilities visual discrimination occupies the most significant place, with the standard coefficient Beta 0.288, while behind it there is a listening discrimination with 0.071, tactile 0.200 and attention with 0.56 percent.

Opis (eng)






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Key words: perception; attention; Natural and Social Sciences; mild mental disability.

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o:25609 Факултет за образовање учитеља и васпитача Уни...