Naslov (eng)

School as an educational environment from the perspective of senior primary school students


Богавац, Драгана


University of Niš

Opis (srp)

Apstrakt: Polazeći od toga da osnovna škola predstavlja veoma bitan činilac za vaspitanje i obrazovanje mladih, zanimalo nas je kako učenici starijeg školskog uzrasta vide školu kao vaspitnusredinu, što je i cilj našeg istraživanja. Istraživanje je realizovano na uzorku od 309 učenika osmog razreda osnovne škole u deset gradova republike Srbije. U ovom istraživanju primenjena je deskriptivna metoda, a od instrumenatakonstruisan je Upitnik za procenu vaspitne funkcije škole iz perspektive učenika starijeg školskog uzrasta. Od statističkih postupaka korišćeni su frekvencije i procenti, aritmetička sredina sa pripadajućom standardnom devijacijom. Razlike su testirane Studentovimt-test. Dobijeni rezultati istraživanja doprinose potpunijoj slici vaspitne uloge škole iz perspektive učenika starijeg školskog uzrasta u osnovnoj školi u Republici Srbiji. Nalazi istraživanja mogu poslužiti za dublju opservaciju ovog veoma značajnog pedagoškog pitanja.

Opis (eng)

Abstract: Starting from the fact that primary school is a very important factor for the education of young people, we were interested in how senior primary school students see school as an educational environment, which is the goal of our research. The research was conductedon a sample of 309 eighth grade primaryschool students in ten cities inthe Republic of Serbia. In this research, a descriptive method was used, and theQuestionnaire for assessing the educational function of school from the perspective of senior primary schoolstudents was designedand used as theinstrument. Statistical procedures such as frequencies and percentages, mean with corresponding standard deviation were used. Differences were tested with the Student's t-test. The obtained research results showa more complete picture of the educational role of school from the perspective of senior primary schoolstudents in the Republic of Serbia. The research findings can be used for a deeper observation of this very important pedagogical problem, in order to work on greater engagement, involvement in creating and maintaining a more positive attitudeof studentstowards the school environment.






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Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 - Creative Commons Autorstvo - Nekomercijalno - Bez prerada 4.0 International License.


Ključne reči: vaspitna funkcija škole, škola kao vaspitna sredina, aspekti vaspitnog delovanja, učenik.

Key words: educational role of school, school as an educational environment, aspects of educational activities, student.

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