Naslov (eng)

Discovering mathematics in the Museum of African art


Воркапић, Марија
Милинковић, Јасмина


Charles University, Faculty of Education

Opis (eng)

Abstract: The newest reform of the educational system in Serbia brings forward the project approach on all levels of the educational system. In the preschool program, it is advocated as a dominant approach. This paper describes one curricular experiment – implemented at the University of Belgrade in Serbia that has enabled a group of prospective preschool teachers to implement the project approach. Our research project aimed to document the preservice preschool teachers' competencies to use the project approach. The experimental program explored The Museum of African Art as a context for discovering mathematics ideas which were later used in project activities with preschool children. Here we discuss findings based on a sample of 46 interviews conducted with prospective preschool teachers who were asked to reflect on their experience. The analysis shows that the Museum presented a valuable cultural resource for learning and student teachers developed partial sensitivity to opportunities for learning mathematics.






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Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 - Creative Commons Autorstvo - Nekomercijalno - Bez prerada 4.0 International License.


Keywords: integrative learning, project approach, preschool, teacher training

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