Naslov (eng)

Motivational strategies as factor of success of academically gifted students

Naslov (srp)

Motivacione strategije kao faktor uspeha akademski darovitih studenata


Стојановић, Александар
Гојков Рајић, Александра


Visoka škola strukovnih studija za vaspitače "Mihailo Palov"

Opis (eng)

Summary: The paper is a part of the research findings related to Didactic instructions as a factor of self-regulation of academic achievements (of gifted) in higher education, whose goal is based on observations that research (Lončarić, 2018, 2014; Thied, 2000; Ghatala, Levin, Pressley & Lodico, 1985; Ghatala, 1988) mainly go into the direction of conclusions about the importance of a proactive pattern of self-regulation of learning for academic success. Cognitivists see students' perceptions of the usefulness of these strategies as a basic driver in the use of strategies (Ghatala, Levin, Pressley, & Lodico, 1985) as significant success factors and vice versa. Theorists of social cognition, whose views are the theoretical starting points of the mentioned research, emphasize the importance of self-efficacy perceptions for motivating students when using a certain strategy of self-regulation of learning (Bandura, 1986, 1987, 1997; Zimmerman, 1990, 1995, 1998, 2000).Thus, the research from which part of the data is taken for this article has a broader investigation design that focuses on self-regulated learning of students as a factor of success of academically gifted people in higher education, and it is guided by the question: How important are the patterns (components) of self-regulation and personality traits as factors of success of academically gifted students? So, the goal of that scheme was to see the relations of the elements of self- regulation, first of all, motivational and their relationship with personality traits from the angle of success of academically gifted students. The research is empirical, quantitative, exploratory in nature, and was performed by the method of systematic non-experimental observation. This paper presents only a part of the findings of the initial survey, and they can be taken as a pilot or previous research. Personality traits were investigated by the Big Five personality test – BFIIV. Components of self-regulated learning were researched with a battery of Likert-type scales (KSU-ten subscales), which were modelled according to several instruments by other authors. Data from the Motivation Strategy subscale are highlighted for this paper. The reliability coefficients expressed by the Cronbach's coefficient are satisfactory; the factor structure of the scales as defined in the consulted literature was confirmed (Momirović et al., 1980)...

Opis (srp)

Rezime: Rad predstavlja deo nalaza istraživanja koji se odnosi na Didaktičke instrukcije kao faktor samoregulacije akademskih postignuća (darovitih) u visokoškolskoj nastavi, čiji je cilj zasnovan na zapažanjima da istraživanja (Lončarić, 2018, 2014; Thied, 2000; Ghatala, Levin, Pressley, & Lodico, 1985; Ghatala, 1988), uglavnom, idu u pravcu zaključakao značaju proaktivnog obrasca samoregulacije učenja za akademski uspeh. Kognitivisti kao osnovni pokretač u korišćenju strategija vide percepcije studenata o korisnosti tih strategija (Ghatala, Levin, Pressley, & Lodico, 1985) kao značajne faktore uspeha i obratno. Teoretičari socijalne kognicije, čiji stavovi čine teorijska polazišta pomenutog istraživanja, naglašavaju važnost percepcija samoefikasnosti za motivaciju studenata pri korišćenju određene strategije samoregulacije učenja (Bandura, 1986, 1987,1997; Zimmerman, 1990, 1995, 1998, 2000). Dakle, istraživanje iz koga se za ovaj tekst uzima deo podataka ima širi istraživački nacrt koji se fokusira na samoregulisano učenje studenata kao faktor uspehaakademski darovitih u visokoškolskoj nastavi, a rukovodi se pitanjem: Koliki značaj imajuobrasci (komponente) samoregulacije i crte ličnosti kao faktori uspeha akademski darovitih studenata? Cilj tog nacrta bio je da se sagledaju odnosi elemenata samoregulacije, pre svega, motivacijski i njihov odnos sa crtama ličnosti iz ugla uspehaakademski darovitih studenata. Istraživanje je empirijsko, kvantitativno, eksplorativnog karaktera, a vršeno je metodom sistematskog neeksperimentalnog posmatranja. U ovom radu prikazuje se samo deo nalaza inicijalnog ispitivanja, te se isti moguuzeti i kao pilot, ili prethodno istraživanje. Crte ličnosti snimane su testom ličnosti „Velikih pet” – BFIIV. Baterijom skala Likertovog tipa (KSU-deset subskala) snimane su komponente samoregulisanog učenja, koje su rađene po uzoru na više instrumenata drugih autora5. Za ovaj rad izdvajaju sepodaci iz subskale Motivacione strategije.Koeficijenti pouzdanosti izraženi Cronbahovim koeficijentom su zadovoljavajući; potvrđena je faktorska struktura skala onako kako je definisana u konsultovanoj literaturi (Momirović et al., 1980)...






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Ključne reči: akademska darovitost, motivacione strategije, samoregulacija.

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