Naslov (eng)

Self-regulation of gifted students in l2 learning: predictive value of variables in the complexity of the self-regulation construct


Гојков Рајић, Александара


ITEI Slovenia

Opis (eng)

Abstract: The aim of the research is to investigate the complexity of the self-regulation construct and the rela-tionships of variables, as well as their impact on L2 learning success in gifted students. After three decades of intensive attention and research activities in this field, there are still many open questions. The starting point is the assumption that a wider range of variables creates the possibility for more space in terms of a holistic approach to the complexity of the phenomenon of self-regulation.The problem that is still not investigated in the research refers to: how far the variables that are usually taken in the composite that observes the construct of self-regulation reach, and thus the issue of their relationship and range in terms of predictive value for incentives in L2 learning achievements, or language for specific purposes. It is especially observed in academically gifted students (those with an average grade above 9.00), and the ques-tion is: to what extent do academic students differ in terms of observed variables, or what is their predictive value for L2 learning achievements. It is assumed that a larger coverage of variables, in this case: personality traits, motivation for L2 learning, meta-cognition, self-confidence (competences for memory and reasoning), self-esteem will provide a clearer picture of the complex factors that self-regulate L2 learning of academically gifted and other students and influence their achievements. This is expected to provide a clearer overview of the impact of certain types of motivation on success in L2 in academically gifted and other students, i.e. to get a clearer insight in the structure of motivation in gifted and other students. and the type of motivation, as well as the significance of the other predicted variables. Variables. Predictors: types of motivation (intrinsic motiva-tions, extrinsic motivations and amotivation subclasses: amotivation, external incentives, integrated incentives, identified regulation, internal motivation - knowledge, internal motivation - achievement, internal motivation - stimulation); meta-cognition, personality traits, self-confidence, memory and reasoning competencies; Cri-teria: success on L2 achievement test; average grade in studies above 9.00 as an indicator of giftedness. Mod-erators: gender. The research was organized according to a quantitative design, and performed by systematic non-experimental observation. The sample consisted of 504 students from two faculties, 144 students from the Teacher Education Faculty, University of Belgrade and 360 students from Faculty of Technical Sciences, Uni-versity of Novi Sad. There were 360 (72.0%) female participants. It is a convenience sample comprising 195 academically gifted (with average grade of 9 or above). The following instruments were used in the research: The Big Five Inventories (Goldberg's Big Five Personality Traits from the International Personality Database; Goldberg, 2001); Inventory of Metacognitive Consciousness (Schraw & Dennison, 1994); Orientation scale in language learning - intrinsic motivation, subscales of extrinsic motivation and amotivation (LLOS; Noels, Pelletier, Clement & Vallerand, 2000); Inventory of memory and reasoning competence (MARCI; Stankov & Crawford, 1997); Rosenberg Self-Concept Scale, L2 Achievement Test developed for this research, and Questionnaire on general data: average grade at studies, L2 grade, gender, and faculty. The reliability of the instruments ranges from .62 to .93, which indicates that the reliability extends from acceptable to excellent.The main findings relate to the following:- Metacognition and other variables (personality traits, self-confidence, memory and reasoning competencies) are in significant correlative relationship with motivation, and their mutual relationship is also correlated;- Academically gifted have higher grades on internal motivation, identified and introjected regulation, while other students had higher grades on emotional and external regulation. There is a difference in favour of aca-demically gifted in intrinsic types of motivation and statistically significant impact on success on L2 achieve-ment test.- Velitzer's MAP achieved a minimum of 0.04 for the 5-component solution, indicating that 5 components should be retained. They explained 73.18% of the total variance of items, which speaks in favour of such concept of self-regulation and its significance, i.e. predictive contribution to the model and its impact on L2 success. Multiple variables allow for more versatile, holistic approach to the phenomenon and more efficient didactic work for personalized approach to the gifted.






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Keywords: self-regulation, gifted, L2 learning, Language for Specific Purposes

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