Naslov (srp)

Уџбеник није роба или о последицама третирања уџбеника искључиво као производа који издавачу доноси профит

Naslov (eng)

A textbook is not a commodity or on consequences of treating a textbook solely as a profit-generating product to the publisher


Шуваковић, Урош


Српска академија образовања

Opis (srp)

Апстракт: У раду се аргументује теза да је уџбеник, као основно дидактичко средство, књига која треба да служи просвећивању народа, пре свега да помогне процес учења код деце, а не да буде производ који омогућава издавачима енормну зараду. Ако се ствар тако посматра, постаје јасно због чега уџбеник није роба као и свака друга, већ основно дидактичко средство чијој изради држава мора да посвети пуну пажњу, поготову када се ради о основношколским уџбеницима.

Opis (srp)

Apstract: Neoliberal ideology has caused huge harm to the humanity. It is particularly felt in those countries where, after World War Two, the socialist order was established, as well as in those countries that accepted the idea of the “welfare state”. Giving up this humanistic legacy of care for the public good has manifested its faults during the collapse of the public healthcare systems during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in Italy and Spain. However, it is not only public healthcare that has been destroyed by the action of the ruthless market forces. The same situation is with the state-run education system which has been devastated to a large extent, particularly in the countries undergoing transition. Leaving the educational institutions to the action of the blind market forces has mostly contributed to such devastation. Enlightening- humanistic motivation has been suppressed while the profit motive has become dominant. Instead of taking care of education as a public commodity, the state has given it up – to a large extent – to the market. The situation with textbooks in Serbia illustrates it quite well. Serbia is colonized by textbooks, while foreign companies through which such colonization is being conducted are mostly located in Germany, Slovenia and Croatia, and controlling over 80% of the primary school textbook market. A textbook as a basic didactic instrument has been disputed since the very principles of science, uniformity and availability to everyone have been brought into question. Not only the parents are exploited by being forced to pay high prices for those books and not only enormous profits generated from textbook sales are going out of the country, but there is also a direct value influence being exerted on young generations in Serbia. That is the main reason why it is necessary to regulate the conditions of textbook production, to put textbook publication as a public authorization at least for the identity subjects in charge of the Institute for Textbooks as the state-run textbook publisher in Serbia and, as soon as possible, to make textbooks free to all students and schoolchildren in Serbia, first of all to those attending compulsory primary school. In that case, textbooks would regain their 158 humanistic-enlightening meaning and cease to be commodities like anything else placed in the market.






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Key words: school textbooks, market, profit, value influence, role of the state

Кључне речи: школски уџбеници, тржиште, профит, вредносни утицај, улога државе

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