Naslov (srp)

Slaba država i trgovina ljudima u Bosni i Hercegovini


Bojić, Dražan R., 1976-, 67559433


Simić, Dragan R., 1961-, 13450855
Simeunović, Dragan, 1953-, 13445223
Stanarević, Svetlana, 1968-, 14144103

Opis (srp)

U nauci o međunarodnim odnosima i političkim naukama država zauzima značajno mjesto a u teorijskim diskursima pojavljuje su u različitim ulogama, od uloge referentnog objekta i subjekta bezbjednosti pa do uloge opasnosti koja predstavlja izvor bezbjednosnih prijetnji. Tema ove disertacije odnosi se na ispitivanje odnosa države Bosne i Hercegovine prema trgovini ljudima kao bezbjednosnoj prijetnji (2004-2013). Osnovna pretpostavka od koje se polazi jeste da, država Bosna i Hercegovina kao slaba država pogoduje za razvijanje i širenje trgovine ljudima, i glavni cilj rada usmjeren je na objašnjenje na koji način slabost države stvara te uslove. Kao osnov za istraživanje korištene su relevantne teorijske postavke koje ukazuju da, slabe države sa post-konfliktnim kontekstom u kojima nema unutrašnjeg političkog konsenzusa i gdje nije uspješno izvršena obnova državnih institucija, pogoduju za širenje transnacionalnih bezbjednosnih prijetnji – trgovine ljudima. U disertaciji su ponuđeni argumenti koji opisu karakteristike slabosti države, njihove uzročnosti, i predviđanje mogućih pravaca budućeg kretanja Bosne i Hercegovine. U proučavanju su korišteni empirijski podaci i građa domaćih i međunarodnih subjekata te je realizovan naučni intervju sa relevantnim ekspertima i profesionalcima, nakon čega su, putem saznajnog procesa, izvedeni nalazi i zaključci u pogledu određenja slabosti, odnosno krhkosti države Bosne i Hercegovine.

Opis (srp)

Društvene nauke / Međunarodne studije Social sciences / international studies Datum odbrane: 02.03.2021.

Opis (eng)

In the science on international relations and political science, the state has a significant position, whereas in theoretical discourses, it appears in different roles: from the role of reference object and security subject to the role of danger representing the source of security threats. The topic of this dissertation refers to studying the relations of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina towards trafficking in human beings as a security threat (2004-2013). The primary hypothesis to start from is that the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a weak state, favors the development and expansion of trafficking in human beings. The main aim of the paper is directed towards providing an explanation on how does the weakness of a state creates conditions for spreading the aforementioned criminal offence. As a basis for the study, the relevant theoretical hypotheses were used pointing to the fact that weak states with post-conflict context, in which there is no political consensus and where reconstruction of state institutions was not successfully completed make a favorable environment for spreading transnational security threats, such as trafficking in human beings. The dissertation offers the arguments describing the characteristics of a weak state, their causes, and predicting the possible directions of future movement of Bosnia and Herzegovina. For the purpose of this paper, the empirical information was used, as well as materials from domestic and international subjects. Additionally, scientific interviews with relevant experts and professionals were realized, and finally, the findings and conclusions were drawn regarding the definition of weakness or the fragility of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina.






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trgovina ljudima, slaba država, žrtva trgovine ljudima, politički sistem, krhka država, krivično gonjenje, sudska praksa.

trafficking in human beings, weak state, victim of human trafficking, political system, fragile state, criminal prosecution, court practice.