Naslov (srp)

Patomorfološka, mikološka i molekularna ispitivanja organa ćurića različitog imunološkog statusa nakon veštačke infekcije sporama Aspergillus fumigatus : doktorska disertacija


Jezdimirović, Nemanja, 1981-, 16702055


Jovanović, Milijan, 1951-, 12342631
Krnjaić, Dejan, 1964-, 13843815
Kureljušić, Branislav, 1981-, 16685927
Jovanović, Milijan, 1951-, 12342631

Opis (eng)

Aspergillosis is one of the most important respiratory diseases of turkeys, especially in the youngest age category. It may lead to significant economic losses due to mortality and poor production performance. In natural conditions the infection is aerogenous, that is, it occurs following the inhalation of large numbers of Aspergillus fumigatus germinating spores in a short period of time, or by long-lasting exposure of the respiratory system to their low concentrations in air. Apart from virus and bacterial infections, the predisposing factors for the emergence of aspergillosis in turkeys are: low immune status due to long-lasting use of antibacterial drugs, continual exposure to stressogenic factors (frequent vaccination, poor feed quality), and exposure to poor ambient and sanitary conditions of rearing. In spite of plenty works about turkey aspergillosis, little is known about the pathogenesis of the disease and the pathomorphological changes in various tissues in immunosuppressed birds. Having considered these, this work was aimed at the research into the health status, development of pathological changes and dissemination of Aspergillus fumigatus in various organs of immunosuppressed and immunocompetent turkey poults in experimental conditions. The experiment was performed on 90 turkey poults of both sexes, of the Converter hybrid, divided into four groups: treated groups 1 (O-1) and 2 (O-2) with 30 specimens in each, and the two control groups – group 1 (K-1) and group 2 (K-2) - each consisting of 15 birds. The analyses were done on days 1, 3, 7, 14 and 21 after intratracheal inoculation of 5.056×107 A. fumigatus spores to 14-day-old poults of group O-1 and those of O-2, which were intramuscularly administered dexamethasone in the dose of 4 mg/kg body weight, on six consecutive days...

Opis (srp)

Aspergiloza ćuraka je jedno od najvažnijih respiratornih oboljenja, naročito kod najmlađe kategorije, koje može da prouzrokuje značajne ekonomske gubitke zbog mortaliteta i niskih proizvodnih performansi. U prirodnim uslovima infekcija nastaje aerogeno, tj. udisanjem velikog broja germinativnih oblika spora Aspergillus fumigatus u kratkom vremenskom periodu ili dugotrajnim izlaganjem respiratornog sistema niskoj koncentraciji u kontaminiranom vazduhu. Predisponirajući faktori za nastanak aspergiloze kod ćuraka, pored virusnih i bakterijskih infekciija jesu: slab imuni status nastao zbog duže primene antibakterijskih lekova, kontinuirano izlaganje stresogenim faktorima (učestala vakcinacija, loš kvalitet hrane), izlaganje lošim ambijentalnim i sanitarnim uslovima uzgoja. Iako postoji mnogo radova o aspergilozi ćurića, malo se zna o patogenezi bolesti i patomorfološkim promenama u različitim tkivima kod imunosuprimiranih ptica. Imajući to u vidu zadatak ovog rada bio je da u eksperimentalnim uslovima ispita zdravstveno stanje, nastanak patomorfoloških promena i diseminaciju Aspergillus fumigatus u različitim organima kod imunosuprimiranih i imunokompetentnih ćurića. Ogled je izveden na ukupno 90 ćurića oba pola, provenijencije „Converter“, podeljenih u četiri grupe: ogledna grupa 1 (O-1) i ogledna grupa 2 (O-2) sa po 30 jedinki i kontrolne grupe 1 (K-1) i 2 (K-2) sa po 15 jedinki u svakoj. Ispitivanja su obavljena 1, 3, 7, 14. i 21. dana nakon intratrahealne inokulacije 5,056×107 spora A. fumigatus 14 dana starim ćurićima grupe O-1, kao i grupe O-2, koja je prethodno tretirana deksametazonom u dozi od 4mg/kg telesne mase intramuskularno u trajanju od šest uzastopnih dana...

Opis (srp)

Klinička patologija i terapija životinja- Patološka morfologija / Clinical pathology and therapy of animals- Pathological morphology Datum odbrane: 28.10.2019.






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Veterinarska medicina


OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Veterinarska medicina

ćurići, Aspergillus fumigatus, veštačka infekcija, patomorfološkepromene, histopatologija, nested PCR

turkey poults, Aspergillus fumigatus, artificial infection, pathologicalchanges, histopathology, nested PCR