Naslov (srp)

Раманова спектроскопија фармаколошки активних супстанци и биокатализатора : докторска дисертација


Lazarević, Jasmina J., 1985-, 57142281


Bugarski, Branko, 1957-, 12474215
Knežević-Jugović, Zorica, 1969-, 12781159
Bugarski, Diana, 1956-, 1665383
Popović, Zoran V., 1952-, 8073575

Opis (eng)

In this dissertation, the utilization of Raman spectroscopy for comprehensive analysis of primary mesenchymal stem cells from periodontal ligament, a soft connective tissue which anchors tooth root for the alveolar bone, was demonstrated. Since every cell has the unique Raman spectrum, Raman spectroscopy was used with the purpose to gain the insight in intrinsic biochemical prole on a single cell level. Mesenchymal stem cells from periodontal ligament were stimulated to dierentiate towards osteogenic, chondrogenic, and adipogenic lineages. These dierentiated cells were investigated by means of Raman spectroscopy as well. Microscopic glass cover-slips were used as substrates due to its cost-eectiveness and common use in laboratories, which is important for its clinical application. On the other hand, glass has strong Raman response, but it was demonstrated that the analysis was possible by taking into account certain spectral region in which its inuence was eliminated. In all sample groups, the same type of behavior was noticed, manifested as the increase of relative intensity Raman band of proteins/lipids, and the decrease of relative intensity of nucleic acids Raman bands. Further, the extensive statistical analysis in the form of principal component analysis was performed, revealing signi- cant groupings of cells with the same spectral features, which conrmed previously obtained results. Despite the heterogeneity of primary mesenchymal stem cells and their dierentiated lineages, it was proved that micro-Raman spectroscopy could adequately distinguish cell status, which is important for its clinical and medical use...

Opis (srp)

U ovoj disertaciji Ramanova spektroskopija korišćena je za sveobuhvatnu analizu primarnih mezenhimskih matičnih ćelija, poreklom iz periodoncijuma, mekog vezivnog tkiva koje spaja koren zuba za alveolarnu kost i ima ulogu u održavanju mineralizacije i ublažavaanja sila koje se javljaju žvakanjem...

Opis (srp)

Tehnološko-inženjerstvo - Biohemijsko inženjerstvo i biotehnologija /Technological engineeringResearch area: Biochemical engineering and biotechnology Datum odbrane: 26.06.2020.






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Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 AT - Creative Commons Autorstvo - Nekomercijalno - Bez prerada 2.0 Austria License.


OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Biotehnološki procesi i tehnika

Raman spectroscopy, Mesenchymal stem cells, Single cell analysis, Polymorphism,Intermolecular vibrations

OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Biotehnološki procesi i tehnika

Ramanova spektroskopija, mezehnimske matične ćelije, analiza pojedinačnih ćelija, polimorfizam, međumolekularne vibracije