Naslov (srp)

Diverzitet vrsta i molekularna karakterizacija prevalentnih virusa infektivnih za vrste roda Allium u Srbiji : doktorska disertacija


Vučurović, Ivan, 1989-, 18110311


Stanković, Ivana, 1981-, 13892711
Krstić, Branka, 1957-, 12479847
Ristić, Danijela, 1977-, 18104935
Milošević, Dragana, 1982-, 16438119
Moravčević, Đorđe, 1973-, 12862823

Opis (srp)

Sedmogodišnja istraţivanja od 2010. do 2016. godine virusa infektivnih za vrste roda Allium ukazala su na znaĉajno prisustvo virusa u Srbiji. Serološka testiranja sakupljenih uzoraka razliĉitih vrsta lukova ukljuĉujući crni i bijeli luk, praziluk, ali i manje zastupljene vrste kao što su ljutika, aljma, biser luk, vlasac i sremuš ukazala su na prisustvo pet virusa: virus ţute patuljavosti crnog luka (Onion yellow dwarf virus, OYDV), virus ţute prugavosti praziluka (Leek yellow stripe virus, LYSV), obiĉni latentni virus bijelog luka (Garlic common latent virus, GarCLV), virus ţute pjegavosti irisa (Iris yellow spot tospovirus, IYSV) i virus bronzavosti paradajza (Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus, TSWV). Dodatnim testiranjem primjenom RT-PCR metode na bijelom luku potvrĊeno je i prisustvo virusa roda Allexivirus: virus bijelog luka-A, -B, -C, -D, -E i -X (Garlic virus-A, -B, -C, -D, -E i -X; GarV-A, GarV-B, GarV-C, GarV-D, GarV-E i GarV-X), kao i prisustvo latentnog virusa ljutike (Shallot latent virus, SLV) na bijelom luku i aljmi ĉije je prisustvo prvi put dokazano u našoj zemlji. Detektovani virusi su se javljali i u pojedinaĉnim (36,1%) i u miješanim infekcijama (19,2%), a u najvećem broju testiranih uzoraka lukova utvrĊeno je prisustvo OYDV (27%). U visokom procentu dokazano je i prisustvo GarCLV (26,2%), dok je treći po zastupljenosti bio LYSV, detektovan u 16,6% ispitivanih uzorka. Najrasprostranjeniji je bio GarCLV dokazan na 45% pregledanih lokaliteta. Drugi po rasprostranjenosti bio je OYDV (38%), a treći LYSV (24%). Posmatrano po vrstama, virusne zaraze najviše ugroţavaju proizvodnju bijelog luka. Serološke i/ili molekularne analize ukazale su da je 91,5% ispitivanih uzoraka bijelog luka bilo zaraţeno bar jednim od virusa ukljuĉenih u ova istraţivanja (OYDV, LYSV, GarCLV i TSWV), a najĉešće sa virusima roda Allexivirus (85,9% ispitivanih uzoraka). MeĊutim, u usjevima bijelog luka u znatnom procentu dokazano je i prisustvo OYDV (58%), koji je bio i najrasprostranjeniji, kao i GarCLV (45%). Od ukupno pet virusa (OYDV, LYSV, GarCLV, TSWV i IYSV) dokazanih na crnom luku najzastupljeniji bio je GarCLV (20,5%) koji je bio i najrasprostranjeniji, dok je drugi po zastupljenosti bio OYDV (17,1%)...

Opis (srp)

Biotehniĉke nauke - Fitopatologija / Biotechnical Science - Phytopathology Datum odbrane: 09.12.2019.

Opis (eng)

A seven-year research from 2010 to 2016 conducted in Serbia indicated the significant presence of viruses infecting different Allium species including onion, garlic, leek and species of minor importance: shallot, Welsh onion, great headed garlic, chive and bear‘s garlic. Serological analyses showed presence of five viruses: Onion yellow dwarf virus (OYDV), Leek yellow stripe virus (LYSV), Garlic common latent virus (GarCLV), Iris yellow spot tospovirus (IYSV) and Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus (TSWV). For the first time in Serbia, additional RT-PCR analysis showed, presence of Allexivirus species (Garlic virus-A, -B, -C, -D, -E and -X; GarV-A, GarV-B, GarV-C, GarV-D, GarV-E and GarV-X) on garlic, as well as Shallot latent virus (SLV) on garlic and welsh onion. Viruses were detected in single (36.1%) and in mixed (19.2%) infections with the highest incidence of OYDV (27%). GarCLV was also detected in high incidence (26.2%), and the third one detected was LYSV (16.6%). Analyses revealed that the most widespread virus was GarCLV detected at 45% of surveyed localities, then OYDV (38%) and LYSV (24%). Serological and/or molecular tests showed that garlic crop was the most infected with viruses. At least one virus included in the study (OYDV, LYSV, GarCLV, and TSWV) was present in 91.5% of samples tested. The most frequently detected in garlic crop were species of Allexivirus genus (85.9%), but high incidence of OYDV (58%) which was the most distributed, and GarCLV (45%) was also found. Onion samples were infected with five viruses (OYDV, LYSV, GarCLV, TSWV, and IYSV) of which GarCLV was the most prevalent and widespread. LYSV was the most prevalent and distributed virus on leek detected in 32.4% samples, second detected virus was GarCLV. This study also showed presence of three viruses (OYDV, LYSV, and GarCLV) on shallot, two viruses (LYSV and GarCLV) on chive, five viruses (OYDV, LYSV, IYSV, TSWV, and SLV) on Welsh onion samples, three viruses (OYDV, LYSV, and GarCLV) great headed garlic samples, as well as one virus (OYDV) on bear‘s garlic samples...






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Suzbijanje biljnih bolesti i štetočina

viruses, Allium, DAS-ELISA, RT-PCR, phylogenetic analyses, OYDV, LYSV, GarCLV, SLV, TSWV, IYSV, Allexivirus

OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Suzbijanje biljnih bolesti i štetočina

lukovi, virusi, DAS-ELISA, RT-PCR, filogenetske analize, OYDV, LYSV, GarCL, SLV, TSWV, IYSV, Allexivirus
