Naslov (srp)

Mogućnosti korišćenja šipurka, gloga i trnjine u biomonitoringu i fitoremedijaciji : doktorska disertacija


Kalinović, Jelena, 1984-, 35347303


Šerbula, Snežana, 1958-, 13529959
Milić, Snežana, 1961-, 35848039
Garić Grulović, Radmila V., 1957-, 2792807
Bošković-Vragolović, Nevenka, 1964-, 12652391
Tanikić, Dejan, 1970-, 9936231

Opis (srp)

Doktorska disertacija predstavlja rezultat istraživanja mogućnosti korišćenja šipurka (Rosa spp.), gloga (Crataegus spp.) i trnjine (Prunus spp.) u biomonitoringu zagađenja vazduha i fitoremedijaciji kontaminiranog zemljišta. Na ispitivanom području Bora i okoline, na različitim udaljenostima od rudarsko-metalurškog kompleksa za proizvodnju bakra, odlagališta raskrivke sa površinkih kopova ruda bakra i flotacijskih jalovišta, obavljeno je uzorkovanje zemljišta i biljnog materijala. Koncentracije elemenata (Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb i Zn) određivane su u zemljištu iz zone korena, kao i delovima (korenu, granama, plodovima, neopranom i opranom lišću) sve tri biljne vrste. Prekoračenje zakonom propisanih graničnih i remedijacionih vrednosti elemenata u zemljištu i visoke vrednosti faktora obogaćenja, ukazivale su na kontaminaciju zemljišta iz zone korena šipurka, gloga i trnjine, u najvećoj meri sa As, Cd i Cu (nešto manje sa Mo, Pb i Zn), na mestima uzorkovanja u blizini izvora zagađenja ili na pravcima dominantnih vetrova. Analizom i upoređivanjem koncentracija elemenata u biljnom materijalu šipurka, gloga i trnjine, utvrđeno je da je lišće sve tri biljne vrste najpogodnije za identifikaciju područja sa najvećim stepenom zagađenja (osim Zn za čiju su se indikaciju osim lišća kao pogodni delovi pokazale grane i koren). Na minimalno jednom mestu uzorkovanja za svaku biljnu vrstu, oprano lišće je sadržalo As i Cu u toksičnim koncentracijama. Na osnovu vrednosti faktora obogaćenja biljnog materijala, koje su se kretale od značajnih do ekstremnih za As, Cu i Pb, i u kategoriji umerenih za Fe, Mo i Zn na većini mesta uzorkovanja, zaključeno je da je rudarsko-metalurška proizvodnja bakra primarni izvor ovih elemenata u životnoj sredini ispitivanog područja, dok se uticaj na veće koncentracije Mn, Ni i Cr primećivao jedino u uzorcima sa najzagađenijih mesta. Prisustvo elemenata u atmosferskoj depoziciji, na osnovu razlika koncentracija elemenata u neopranom i opranom lišću sve tri biljke, potvrđen je za većinu ispitivanih elemenata, pri čemu su najveće razlike koncentracija dobijene za Al (na mestima u industrijskoj zoni), kao i za Fe i Cu, naročito na mestima u urbano-industrijskoj i ruralnoj zoni. Analizom podataka zaključeno je da su šipurak, glog i trnjina razvili mehanizme za adaptaciju na područjima sa različitim stepenom zagađenja, što ih čini tolerantnim biljnim vrstama, iako nisu pogodne biljne vrste za svrhe fitoremedijacije.

Opis (srp)

Tehničko-tehnološke nauke - Tehnološko inženjerstvo / Technical-technological sciences - Technological engineering Datum odbrane: 10.07.2019.

Opis (eng)

The doctoral dissertation represents the results of the research which indicate possibilities of using wild rose (Rosa spp.), hawthorn (Crataegus spp.) and blackthorn (Prunus spp.) for biomonitoring of air pollution and phytoremediation of contaminated soil. In the study area of Bor and its surroundings, sampling of soil and plant material was performed at various distances from the mining-metallurgical complex of copper production, ore waste heaps from the copper mines and flotation tailing ponds. Element concentrations (Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb and Zn) were determined in the root zone soil, as well as in the parts (root, branches, fruits, unwashed and washed leaves) of the examined plant species. Exceedings of the limit and remediation values for the element concentrations in the soil, proposed by the Serbian Regulation, and the high values of the soil enrichment factors, indicated the contamination of the root zone soil of wild rose, hawthorn and blackthorn, mostly with As, Cd and Cu (somewhat less with Mo, Pb and Zn) at the sampling sites in the close vicinity of the pollution sources or in the prevailing wind directions. By analyzing and comparing the element concentrations in the plant material of wild rose, hawthorn and blackthorn, it was concluded that the leaves of all the three examined plant species are the most adequate for distinguishing the areas with the highest pollution degrees (except for Zn, in which case the branches and root, besides leaves, are shown as suitable). At least at one sampling site, for each plant species, the washed leaves contained As and Cu in the toxic concentrations. Based on the values of enrichment factors for plant material, which ranged from significant to extreme for As, Cu and Pb, and moderate for Fe, Mo and Zn at the most sampling sites, it was concluded that the mining-metallurgical copper production was the primary source of these elements in the environment of the study area, while the influence on higher concentrations of Mn, Ni and Cr was observed only in the samples from the most polluted sites. The presence of the elements in the atmospheric depositions, based on the differences in the element concentration in the unwashed and washed leaf samples of all the three examined plants, was confirmed for most of the investigated elements, while the largest differences in the concentrations were obtained for Al (at the sites in the industrial zone), as well as for Fe and Cu, especially in the urban-industrial and rural zones. After the data analyses, we can draw a conclusion that wild rose, hawthorn and blackthorn are not suitable plant species for the phytoremediation purposes, although they have developed adaptive mechanism in the areas with different pollution degrees, which classifies them as tolerant plant species.






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Tehnologija

Biomonitoring, soil phytoremediation, wild rose (Rosa spp.), hawthorn(Crataegus spp.), blackthorn (Prunus spp.), copper, arsenic, mining-metallurgicalcopper production, biological factors

OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Tehnologija

Biomonitoring, fitoremedijacija zemljišta, šipurak (Rosa spp.), glog(Crataegus spp.), trnjina (Prunus spp.), bakar, arsen, rudarsko-metalurška proizvodnjabakra, biološki faktori
