Uticaj ispaše na travnjacima različitih područja Crne Gore na sadržaj masnih kiselina u kravljem mlijeku : doktorska disertacija
Radonjić, Dušica, 1986- 27225447
Đorđević, Nenad, 1963- 12621415
Dajić-Stevanović, Zora, 1962- 12588391
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order to determine the content of fatty acids (SFA - saturated fatty acids, UFA - unsaturated fatty acids, MUFA - monounsaturated fatty acids and PUFA – polyunsaturated fatty acids) and their relationship in the cow's milk fat, the two-factor experiment (3 × 3) was conducted, where the first factor was the altitude of the pastures (lowland at 100 m a.s.l; highland at 700-800 m a.s.l. and mountain pastures at 1600-1700 m a.s.l) and the second was a phenological phase (early, middle and late vegetation phase). The study included 20 cows from each area, which were grazing during the whole observed period. Before the experiment with animals started, the floristic and chemical composition of the pasture biomass for each pasture and every phenological phase were determined. The lowland pasture was represented with community of Agrostis castellana, the highland with community Festuca valesiaca and the mountain with community Bromus erectus. The pastures differ in terms of the number of plant species and participation of the most dominant plant families. The largest number of plant species were found in the mountain area, but the most favourable ratio of families that directly affects the nutritional value of the biomass (Poaceae, Fabaceae) was in the highland pasture in all three phenological phases. Total participation of plant species of excellent, very good and good quality was the highest in the highland pasture (12.90%), then in the lowland (12.73%), and the lowest in the mountain (11.40%). Medium quality plants had the highest share in mountain pastures (11.00%), then in highland (10.00%) and the lowest in lowland pasture (6.88%). Low quality plants had the highest share in highland pasture (23.80%), then in lowland (23.53%) and the lowest in mountain pasture (20.00%). Participation of valuless plants was the highest in mountain pastures (40.00%), in the lowland (29.40%), and the lowest in the highland (28.50%). The group of harmful (toxic) plants had the largest share in the lowland pasture (27.45%), then in the highland (23.80%), and the least in the mountain pasture (18.50%). According to the quality index, the best quality of the first two communities was in the second phase, and the third community in the third phase. All three pastures had the lowest quality index in the first phase...
Eksperiment je izveden u cilju utvrĊivanja sadrņaja masnih kiselina (FA) i njihovog meĊusobnog odnosa (SFA - zasićene masne kiseline, UFA - nezasićene masne kiseline, MUFA - mononezasićene masne kiseline i PUFA - polinezasićene masne kiseline), u mljeĉnoj masti krava koje su pasle na nizijskim, brdskim i planinskim pańnjacima, u tri fenolońke faze (rana, srednja i kasna vegetacija). Ogled je postavljen kao dvofaktorijalni (3×3), gdje je prvi faktor bio nadmorska visina pańnjaka (100 mnv, 700-800 mnv i 1600-1700 mnv) a drugi faza vegetacije. Istraņivanjem je obuhvaćeno po 20 krava sa svakog podruĉja, koje su hranjene iskljuĉivo na pańi u posmatranom periodu. Prije poĉetka ogleda sa ņivotinjama, za svaki pańnjak i svaku fazu vegetacije utvrĊen je floristiĉki i hemijski sastav biljne mase. Nizijski pańnjak je predstavljen zajednicom sa Agrostis castellana, brdski pańnjak zajednicom sa Festuca valesiaca i planinski zajednicom sa Bromus erectus. Pańnjaci se meĊusobno razlikuju kako po floristiĉkom sastavu, tako i po uĉeńću vrsta u odgovarajućim funkcionalnim grupama. Najveći broj biljnih vrsta utvrĊen je na planinskom podruĉju, ali je najpovoljniji floristiĉki sastav u smislu pripadnosti funkcionalnim grupama (Poaceae, Fabaceae) koje direktno utiĉe na hranljivu vrijednost travne mase bio na brdskom pańnjaku u sve tri faze. Ukupno uĉeńće grupe vrsta biljaka odliĉnog, vrlo dobrog i dobrog kvaliteta bilo je najveće na brdskom pańnjaku (12,90%), zatim na nizijskom (12,73%) i najmanje na planinskom (11,40%). Biljke srednjeg kvaliteta su najzastupljenije bile na brdskom pańnjaku (11,00%), na planinskom su ĉinile 10,00% i na nizijskom 6,88%. Biljke slabog kvaliteta su najzastupljenije bile na brdskom pańnjaku (23,80%), na nizijskom su ĉinile 23,53% i na planinskom 20,00%. Bezvrijedne biljke su najveće uĉeńće imale na planinskom pańnjaku (40%), na nizijskom 29,41% i najmanje na brdskom 28,50%. Grupa ńkodljivih (toksiĉnih) biljaka imala je najveće uĉeńće na nizijskom pańnjaku (27,45%), zatim na brdskom (23,80%), a najmanje na planinskom pańnjaku (18,50%)...
Zootehnika- Ishrana, fiziologija i anatomija domaćih i gajenih ņivotinja / Zootechnique- Nutrition, physiology and anatomy of domestic animals Datum odbrane: 18.07.2019.
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Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 AT - Creative Commons Autorstvo - Nekomercijalno - Deliti pod istim uslovima 2.0 Austria License.
OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Gajenje i nega domaćih životinja uopšte
pańnjaci, fenolońka faza, floristiĉki sastav, mlijeko, mljeĉna mast, masne kiseline
OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Gajenje i nega domaćih životinja uopšte
pastures, phenological phase, floristic composition, milk, milk fat, fatty acids