Naslov (srp)

Суперсиметрична теорија поља на некомутативним просторима : докторска дисертација


Николић, Биљана Д., 1982- 21704295


Radovanović, Voja, 1967- 12747623
Dimitrijević-Ćirić, Marija, 1975- 18315111
Sazdović, Branislav. 22006887

Opis (srp)

У раду је проучаван утицај деформације суперпростора на ренормализабилност Вес-Зумино модела формулисаног на њему...

Opis (srp)

Физика - Теоријска физика високих енергија / Physics - Theoretical high energy physics Datum odbrane: 12.03.2019.

Opis (eng)

In this dissertation, the impact of deformation of the superspace on renormalizability of the Wess-Zumino model, formulated on it, is studied. The review of known results for the undeformed Wess-Zumino model is given, i.e. renormalizability of the Wess- Zumino model is demonstrated by calculating the one-loop effective action using the background field method, supergraph technique and dimensional reduction. Further, it has been shown how the deformation quantization formalism can be used for obtaining the deformed superspace. Applying the Drinfeld twisting theorem on the Hopf algebra of universal enveloping algebra of supersymmetric transformations U(S), the deformed Hopf algebra U(S)F is obtained, where F is counital 2-cocycle for the algebra U(S). The twisted Hopf algebra U(S)F induces the new deformed product - ?-product on the algebra of superfields A. The algebra A with the new product is a U(S)F-algebra. The described formalism of deforming the superfield algebra is applied for two different choices of the twist.






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Elastomehanika. Deformacije. Čvrstoća

non(anti)commutative spaces, supersymmetry, deformed Wess-Zuminomodel, Hopf algebra, quantum field theory, renormalization

OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Elastomehanika. Deformacije. Čvrstoća

Не(анти)комутативни простори, суперсиметрија, деформисани Вес-Зумино модел, Хопфова алгебра, квантна теорија поља, ренормализабилност