Naslov (ara)

Risāla fī mas’ilati r-rūḥ


an-Nasafî, Sayf al-Ḥaqq Abu l-Mu‘ayyin Maymūn Ibn Muḥammad al-Makḫūl

Opis (srp)

Sufizam, što je uopšteni termin za islamski misticizam, prvobitno je bio odgovor na sve veću svetovnu vlast islamskih vođa dok se tokom osmog veka religija širila i saobrazno tome, promena interesa ka materijalnim i političkim pitanjima. Pogotovo je Harunar-Rašid, peti abasidski halifa, privlačio negativnu pažnju zbog svog raskalašnog načina života, što je podrazumevalo zlatno i srebrno posuđe, veliki harem i brojne robove i sluge koji su predstavljali kontrast u odnosu na relativno jednostavan Muhamedov život. Tipičan rani sufija živeo je u ćeliji džamije i podučavao malu grupu učenika. Teško je sa sigurnošću tvrditi koliko su na sufizam uticali budistički i hinduistički misticizam, kao i hrišćanski isposnici i monasi, ali samodisciplina i koncentracija na Boga brzo su doveli do uverenja da je moguće održati jedinstvo sa božanskim u kojem se čovečno gubi obuzdavanjem sebe i kroz ljubavni žar ka Bogu.

Opis (eng)

Sufism, which is a general term for Muslim mysticism, was originally a response to the increasing worldly power of Islamic leaders as the religion spread during the 8th Century and their corresponding shift in focus towards materialistic and political concerns. In particular, Harun al-Rashid, the fifth Abbasid Caliph, attracted negative attention for his lavish lifestyle, including gold and silver tableware, an extensive harem and numerous slaves and retainers, that stood in contrast to the relative simplicity of Muhammad'slife. The typical early Sufi lived in a cell of a mosque and taught a small band of disciples. The extent to which Sufism was influenced by Buddhist and Hindu mysticism, and by the example of Christian hermits and monks, is disputed, but self-discipline and concentration on God quickly led to the belief that by quelling the self and through loving ardour for God it is possible to maintain a union with the divine in which the human self melts away.






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