Naslov (ara)

Al-Mufradātu fi ṭ-ṭibb


ibn al-Bayṭār, Abū ‘Abd Allāh Muḥammad

Opis (srp)

Puls je bio dobro poznat islamskoj medicini i Egipćanima pre njih, ali an-Nafis je prvi razumeo mehanizme koji stoje iza pulsa. Galen je govorio da arterije prirodno pulsiraju i da se arterija celom dužinom istovremeno grči, ali an-Nafis je verovao da delatnost srca koje gura krv kroz telo izaziva puls. On je ispravno zapazio da pulsiranje arterija usporava iza aktivnosti srca i da se ne dešava istovremeno celom dužinom. Međutim, an-Nafis je verovao da takvo kretanje krvi predstavlja sredstvo za raspršavanje duha koji bi sagoreo srce kada bi u njemu predugo boravio.

Opis (eng)

The pulse was well known to Islamic medicine, and to the Egyptians before them, but Al-Nafis was the first to understand the mechanisms behind the pulse. Galen proposed that the arteries pulsed naturally, and that the entire length of the artery contracted simultaneously, but Al Nafis believed that the pulsation was caused by the action of the heart pushing blood around the body. He correctly noted that the pulsation of the arteries lagged behind the action of the heart and that it did not occur simultaneously down the whole length. However, Al Nafis believed that this motion of the blood was a means to disperse spirit, which would burn out the heart if it resided there for too long.






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