Naslov (srp)

Društveno-politički uticajni intelektualci i njihovo shvatanje nacionalnog u Srbiji nakon 2000. godine : doktorska disertacija


Pudar Draško, Gazela M., 1982-


Ilić, Vladimir, 1961-
Bakić, Jovo, 1970-
Pavićević, Đorđe, 1966-

Opis (eng)

Тhis study is dedicated to intellectuals who have a strong socio-political influence, and their attitudes towards the national. The national is operationalized here as the common denominator of various visions of a complex phenomenon, which includes elements of understanding the ethnic and national phenomena and relations. My goal was to investigate the attitudes and their varieties of the Serbian intellectual elite towards the national. Although I have referred to the various relevant theoretical standings in the thesis, none of them had served as a starting point or framework of the planned research, because I have sought to ensure that the study is exploratory. Through reviewing in detail the terms of intellectuals, national, nation, nationalism, ethnic relations, etc., the aim of this study was to try to obtain data that are essentially self-reflection and reflection of intellectuals, to illuminate their meaning, relations and construct items that would shed light on the role of intellectuals in social life, especially in that cultural-symbolic field which borders the national. Chapters include the review of key concepts, starting from an intellectual and his understanding in the context of historical and theoretical prism, where I tried to grasp the controversy of the concept itself. Then I focused on the relations between intellectuals and the national, and especially the role of intellectuals in the formation and maintenance of the national. In the end, I tried to observe the results in light of the key theories of intellectual engagement and nationalism. The presented analysis includes the results of the different aspects and ways in which individual subgroups, formed in the process of research, observe the current state of their own, Serbian nation, its achievements, problems and realized and unrealized opportunities, as well as its desirable state and ways to be reached.

Opis (srp)

Sociologija - Politička sociologija / Sociology - Political sociology Datum odbrane: 24.3.2016.






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Sociologija politike

intellectual, national, Serbia, impact, nation, nationalism, national identity, international relations

OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Sociologija politike

intelektualac, nacionalno, Srbija, uticaj, nacija, nacionalizam, nacionalni identitet, međunacionalni odnosi