Naslov (tur)

Risale-i rub'



Opis (srp)

Anonimno delo o astronomiji na osmanskom turskom jeziku. Ovo je primerak valjane astronomske studije sa neophodnim podacima za moreplovce. Turci su svojevremeno bili veliki moreplovci sa ogromnom flotom trgovačkih i ratnih brodova koji su vladali istočnim delom Sredozemlja. U nameri da očuvaju morske puteve i da zaštite prekomorske teritorije, morali su da razviju posmatranje nebeskih tela kako bi plovili prostranim Sredozemnim morem. Prevlast su zadržali preko dvesta-trista godina od čega je Osmansko carstvo imalo veliku korist. Godina izdavanja: 1769/70.

Opis (eng)

Anonymous work on astronomy in Ottoman Turkish. This is an example of a good study about astronomy with necessary data for sailors. Turks used to be great sailors with a huge fleet of trade and war ships which ruled over eastern part of Mediterranean. With an intention to remain their sea pathways and to protect their oversea lands, they had to develop observing celestial bodies so they could travel over vast Mediterranean sea. They remained their authority over two or three hundred years which gave a great benefit to the Ottoman Empire. Year of publishing: 1769/70.






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