Naslov (srp)

Битка код Сланкамена 1691. године : докторска дисертација


Abramović, Vladimir M. 1982-


Samardžić, Nikola, 1961-
Mrgić, Jelena, 1972-
Kocić, Marija.
Gavrilović, Vladan

Opis (eng)

The end of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th century represents a tumultuous era, filled with constant wars that have changed the very order and relations between the European countries and led to the decline of the old and the rise of new powers. Among the conflicts of this period are: The Nine Years War (1688-1697), The Polish-Ottoman War (1672-1676), Dutch War (1672-1678), the Great Turkish War (1683-1699), War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714), Great Northern War (1700- 1721), Jacobite war in Ireland (1689-1691), Austro-Turkish War (1716-1718). Great Turkish War (1683-1699) was for its duration, intensity, number of involved countries and human resources one of the most important conflicts in contemporary Europe. One of its key battles was the Battle of Slankamen in 1691. According to its results and consequences, the battle was of crucial importance for South Eastern Europe and announced a fundamental redistribution of power in the region. Battle of Slankamen settled two important questions. Firstly, the Pannonian Plain was liberated from the Turkish rule, and the Ottoman Empire was finally suppressed from Central Europe. Secondly, the battle established the boundary line between the two empires on the Sava and the Danube, which was not disturbed until the end of the eighteenth century. After the Karlovac Treaty (1699) Turkey did not seriously try to reconquer the area to the north of this line, while every Austrian attempt to rule the areas south of the Sava and Danube rivers proved unsuccessful (1788-1791) or temporary (1718-1739). Austria did not have the capacity and strength, but nor the political will to master the areas between Belgrade and Skopje. Battle of Slankamen denotes one stage in the weakening of the Ottoman Empire. Although we can not say that the decline of Ottoman power and their power crisis in the Balkans followed as a result of a single battle, Slankamen marks an important segment of the distribution of power in southeastern Europe and underlines some kind of strategic equilibrium established after it, that shows the real extent of the two empires and natural dividing line between them. Battle of Slankamen was of great importance for Serbian people because it led to multiple changes in relation to their previous position. The entire Serbian involvement on the side of the Habsburg monarchy in the Great Turkish War contributed to the granting of privileges, i.e. gaining special status in Hungary. In that way the Serbian community is reformulated, as well as their positioning and shaping as an entity in Hungary.

Opis (srp)

Kraj XVII и почетак XVIII века представљају бурну епоху, испуњену непрекидним ратовима који су веома иѕменили поредак и односе међу европским државама и довели до опадања старих и уздизања нових сила...

Opis (srp)

Историја - Општа историја новог века / History - Early Modern History Datum odbrane: 20.10.2015.






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Novi vek

OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Novi vek

Велики бечки рат, Битка код Сланкамена 1691., принц Лудвиг Баденски, велики везир Мустафа-паша Ћуприлић, Аустрија, Османско царство, Свето римско царство немачког народа, Угарска, Срби