Naslov (srp)

Утицај кооперативности на перформансе у ланцима снабдевања


Panić, Biljana. 1977-


Vujošević, Mirko, 1952-
Vasiljević, Dragan, 1961.
Makajić-Nikolić, Dragana, 1969-
Kovačević, Ivana, 1975-
Dimitrijević, Branka.

Opis (srp)

Управљање ланцем снабдевања обухвата планирање свих активности које се односе на снабдевање, као и координацију и колаборацију са партнерима у ланцу. Услед недовољне координације, долази до појаве ефекта бича. Узроци ефекта бича у ланцима снабдевања могу бити операциони и бихејвијорални.

Opis (srp)

Tehničke nauke / Operaciona istraživanja Technical sciences / operations research Datum odbrane: 29.06.2015.

Opis (eng)

Supply chain management encompasses the planning of all activities related to supply, including coordination and collaboration with partners in the chain. Lack of coordination can cause the bullwhip effect. The causes of the bullwhip effect in supply chains can be operational and behavioral. The majority of authors tackle operational causes, while behavioral are mentioned as important but are insufficiently explored. Behavioral causes, among others, include personality traits. Although the literature emphasizes the necessity of collaboration between participants in the supply chain so as to reduce the bullwhip effect, no research has been done on the effect of cooperation as a personality trait. This dissertation analyzes the impact of cooperativity of participants in a supply chain on chain costs through the implementation of a customized beer game and shows how to form a supply chain with cooperative participants. Cooperativity of participants was examined using a questionnaire in social value orientation. The general hypothesis of the dissertation was confirmed – the increase in cooperativity of participants in the supply chain can contribute to the improvement of the functioning of the chain and solving complex problems of coordination. The study of the behavioral phenomenon in the supply chain and the analysis of communication and interaction between participants in the supply chain used transactional analysis and showed how to improve the cooperativity of the participants in the formed supply chain. At the end, the behaviors of cooperative participants which gave good results were defined as the rules of conduct in the supply chain and were included in the simulation by applying Petri nets. This proved that Petri nets allow for the possibility of including a number of factors which influence the supply chains, even factors such as personality traits; therefore, the simulation by applying Petri nets can replace the real experiment.






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Organizacijski menadžment (OM)

OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Organizacijski menadžment (OM)