Naslov (srp)

Сахрањивање у културама бронзаног доба у Западном Поморављу : докторска дисертација


Dmitrović, Katarina, 1974-


Jevtić, Miloš, 1950-
Ljuština, Marija, 1975
Vasić, Rastko, 1937-

Opis (srp)

Област Западног Поморавља, дефинисана током истоимене реке и појединих притока, представља природну спону између западне и централне Србије...

Opis (srp)

Археологија - Праисторијска археологија / Archeology / Prehistoric archeology Датум одбране: 26.11.2015.

Opis (eng)

Defined by the flow of the river and its tributaries, the region of the Western Morava basin represents a natural connection between western and central Serbia, which in wider sense links the Dinarides of the western Balkans and the Morava Vardar route. A significant number of funeral sites originate from the Bronze Age, and they are mostly concentrated in the northern part of this area, while the settlements are rare and insufficiently known despite very intensive field surveys. During several decades of the intensive research, a significant amount of the material was collected from the necropolises, which provided an opportunity to reconsider the previous attitudes and knowledge, especially the ones regarding some recent archeological research and the ones compared to the contemporaneous analysis from the neighboring regions. Examining the different types of the necropolises used through the various phases of the Bronze Age, we can infer that the barrows are always noticed in the northern part of the Western Morava basin bordered by the valley. Downstream of Kraljevo, the basic concept is rather different, primarily due to the fact that flat necropolises were used without preserving any grave mark, thus hindering their identification. This type of necropolis distribution has remained almost unchanged during the whole period of the Bronze Age development, which consequently has provided a reliable opportunity to define a bordering are The basic concept for the material systematization has been primarily determined by the necropolis type, and the following characteristics type of material, shape, decoration and function, whereby the material traces of the executed rituals that followed the funeral were not omitted. The characteristics, amount and place of finding of the material traces...






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Arheološka nalazišta i ostaci u Srbiji

Western Morava basin, Bronze Age, funerary practice, grave inventory, grave architecture, cultural and chronological determination

OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Arheološka nalazišta i ostaci u Srbiji

Западно Поморавље, бронзано доба, сахрањивање, погребни обичаји, гробни инвентар, гробна архитектура, културно и хронолошко опредељење