Naslov (deu)

Beiträge zur Erforschung der Quellenverhältnisse in der Alexandergeschichte des Curtius : Inaugural-dissertation zur Erlangung der Doctorwürde bei der Philosophischen vorlegen der hohen Philosophischen Facultät der Universität Basel


Rüegg, August


Buchdruckerei Emil Birkhäuser

Opis (eng)

A study of the sources of the Curtius Rufus’ Historia Alexandri Magni, written by a Swiss historian of culture and literature August Rüegg (1882–1972). The book is in fact Rüegg’s doctoral dissertation, defended at the University of Basel in 1906. Quintus Curtius Rufus was a Roman historian from the 1st century AD. His only surviving work is a biography of Alexander the Great in Latin in ten books, of which the first two are lost, and the remaining eight are incomplete. In this work can be found many errors regarding geography, chronology and military knowledge and it could be supposed that its main aim was to make an allusion to tyrannical reigns of the contemporary emperors. Year of publishing: 1906

Opis (srp)

Studija o izvorima za delo Historia Alexandri Magni Kurcija Rufa, koju je napisao švedski istoričar kulture i književnosti August Rieg (1882–1972). Knjiga je, u stvari, Riegova doktorska disertacija odbranjena na Univerzitetu u Bazelu 1906. godine. Kvint Kurcije Ruf je bio rimski istoričar iz 1. veka nove ere. Njegovo jedino sačuvano delo je biografija Aleksandra Velikog na latinskom u deset knjiga, od kojih su prve dve izgubljene a preostalih osam su nepotpune. U ovom delu se mogu pronaći mnoge greške u pogledu geografije, hronologije i vojnog znanja i može se pretpostaviti da je njegov glavni cilj bio da napravi aluziju na tiranske vladavine savremenih careva. Godina izdavanja: 1906.






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Alexander the Great (356BC-323BC)

Aleksandar Veliki (356BC-323BC)