Bismi l-Lahi r-Raḥmani r-Raḥim, al-ḥamdu li l-Lahi...
Nepoznat, Korisnik
Nakšbandijski red duguje mnogo Abu Jakubu Jusufu al-Hamadaniju u Abd al-Halikual-Gudždavaniju koji se smatra tvorcem prakse i koji je zaslužan za to što je posvetio pažnju čistom entalnom dikru. Kasnije se vezuje za Muhameda Bahaudina an-Nakšabandijem od koga potčce ime derviškog reda. Neki tumače da ime reda znači "rezbari (srca)", "koji se odnosi na slikara", "tvorca obrasca", "tvorca slike", "reformator obrazaca", "metod lanca" i "zlatni lanac".Tokom vremena, ime je promenjeno. Prvobitno se red zvao as-Sidikija, otprilike od vremena Bajazida al-Bistamija do Abdula Halika al-Gudždavanija nazivan je at-Tajfurija a od vremena Abdula Halika al-Gudždavanija do Šaha Nakšbanda nazivan je hvadžagan ili hodža. Od vremena Šaha Nakšbanda, dobio je ime nakšbandijskog reda.
The Naqshbandi order owes many insights to Abu Ya'qub Yusuf al-Hamadani and Abd al-Khaliq al-Ghujdawani, who is regarded as the organizer of the practicesand is responsible for placing stress upon the purely mental dhikr. It was later associated with Muhammad Bahaad-din an-Naqshabandi, hence the name of the order. Some interpret the name translation as "the engravers (of the heart)", "related to the image-maker", "pattern maker", "image maker", "reformer of patterns", "way of the chain" and "golden chain."The name has changed over the years. Originally called "as-Siddiqiyya", around the times ofBayazid al-Bistami to Abdul Khaliq al-Ghujdawani it was called at-Tayfuriyya, and from the times of 'Abdul Khaliq al-Ghujdawani to Shah Naqshband it was called the "Khwajagan" or "Hodja". From the time of Shah Naqshband it has been called Naqshbandiyya.
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