Šarh risalti l-istiara
ibn Muhammad, Isam ad-din
Arabic was not the first Semitic language to exhibit this tendency to overwhelm its predecessors. Aramaic, the language of various peoples living inSyria and upper Mesopotamia, had already expressed that pattern long before,having displaced (though not suddenly and not at the same time) both the Akkadian language of the people who had ruled the Tigris-Euphrates basin after the Sumerians (who spoke a non-Semitic language), and Hebrew and other Canaanite tongues that had been used along the coastal strip of the Levant. Year of publishing: 1669.
Arapski nije bio prvi semtiski jezik koji je pokazao težnju da nadvlada svoje prethodnike. Aramejski, jezik ranih naroda koji su živeli u Siriji i gornjoj Mesopotamiji, već je ranije pokazao takav model pošto je zamenio (mada ne iznenada i trenutno) kako akadski jezik naroda koji je vladao basenom Tigra i Eufrata posle Sumeraca (koji su govorili nesemitski jezik) tako i jevrejski i ostale hananske jezike koji su korišćeni duž priobalnog pojasa Bliskog istoka. Godina izdavanja: 1669.
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