Kitābu ta‘līmi l-muta‘allim
az-Zarnūǧî, Burhān ad-Dīn wa l-’Islām
Shaykh al-Islam Abu Zakariyya al-Nawawi said in the 'Adhkar': "As for legal rulings (ahkâm) such as what is permitted and what is forbidden, or the modalities of trade, marriage, divorce and other than that: one's practice is not based upon anything other than sound (sahih) or fair (hasan) hadith, except as a precaution in some matter related to one of the above, for example, if a weak hadith was cited about the reprehensibility (karahat) of certain kinds of sales or marriages. In such cases what is recommended (al-mustahabb) is to avoid such sales and marriages, but it is not obligatory (la yajib)." Year of publishing: 1699/1700.
Šejh al-Islam Abu Zakarija an-Navavi rekao je sledeće u delu Adkar: "Što se tiče pravnih regulativa (ahkam), kao što su šta je dozvoljeno a šta zabranjen oili oblici trgovine, braka, razvoda i drugi, praksa čoveka nije zasnovana ni na čemu drugom osim na ispravnom (sahih) ili dobrom (hasan) hadisu osim kao upozorenje u nekim pitanjima koja imaju veze sa nekim gore pomenutim, na primer, ako je slabi hadis naveden u vezi sa odbijanjem (karaha) nekih vrsta prodaje ili braka. U takvim slučajevima ono što je preporučeno (al-mustahab) jeste da se izbegnu takve prodaje i brakovi, ali to nije obavezno (la jadžib)." Godina izdavanja: 1699/1700.
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