Naslov (ara)

Qāla l-Lāh Ta'ālā wa taqaddasa...


al-Busnawî, Muḥammad ibn Mūsā (Allamek Muhamed Music Bošnjak)

Opis (eng)

Surah At-Tawbah (Arabic: Suratu at-Tawbah, "The Repentance") also known as al-Bara'ah "the Ultimatum" in many hadith is the ninth chapter of the Qur'an, with 129 verses. It is one of the last Madinan Suras. It is the only Sura of the Qur'an that does not begin with the bismillah. The starting verses of this sura were revealed at the time of war, the context being the Battle of Tabuk. When the Qu'ran was first compiled there was only one person who had the last verse of at-Tawba written down: Abi Khuzaima al-Ansari although it was known and memorized by all of the companions.

Opis (srp)

Sura at-Tauba (arapski: Suratu at-Tawbah, pokajanje), poznata i kao al-Baraa, ultimatum, u brojnim hadisima predstavlja deveto poglavlje Kurana sa 129 stihova. To je jedna od poslednjih medinskih sura. Jedina je sura Kurana koja ne počinje bismilahom. Početni stihovi ove sure otkriveni su u vreme rata pošto je u kontekstu Bitka kod Tabuka. Kada je Kuran prvi put sastavljen, postojao je samo jedan čovek koji je imao zapisan poslednji stih Taube i to je bio Abu Huzajma al-Ansari iako su ga znali i upamtili svi saborci.






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