Kitabu ta'biri r-ru'ya
al-Hanbalî, Abu t-Tahir Ibn Yahya Ibn Ganam
This is a rather unusual study concerning interpretation of dreams. It would be interesting to compare such work with contemporary psychological treatises. Obviously, this art dates long time ago and had many lines in the past. Muslims, like other nations, paid lot of attention to interpretation of dreams, art which was revived in the beginning of 20th century in modern psychology. Therefore, one could say that they gave their contribution to this discipline.
Ovo je prilično neobična studija čija je tema tumačenje snova. Bilo bi zanimljivo uporediti ovo delo sa savremenim psihološkim studijama. Ova veština očigledno vodi poreklo duboko u prošlost i u prošlosti ima mnogo različitih linija. Muslimani su, kao i drugi narodi, posvećivali puno pažnje tumačenju snova, veštini koja je u savremenoj psihologiji ponovo oživljena početkom dvadesetog veka. Stoga, moglo bi se reći da su ovoj disciplini dali sopstveni doprinos.
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