Naslov (srp)

Određivanje antioksidativne moći i kapaciteta usvajanja metala divlje borovnice (Vaccinium myrtillus L., Ericaceae) na području Crne Gore : doktorska disertacija


Brašanac, Snežana, 1985-


Tadić, Vanja, 1966-
Manojlović, Dragan, 1961-
Mutić, Jelena, 1969-
Stanković, Dalibor, 1985-

Opis (srp)

Crnoj Gori ima u obilju, i tradicionalno se koristi u ishrani ljudi ali i za pripremu ekstrakata i tinkturau tretmanu dijabetesa.S obzirom da borovnica sadrži različite koncentracije makroelemenata i mikroelemenata, kojisu važni kao esencijalni elementi u tragovima, ili su potencijalno toksični, zavisno od koncentracije,posebna pažnja je usmjerena na sadržaj 16 elemenata, uključujući makroelemenata (Al, Ca, Fe, K iMg) i mikroelemente (As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr i Zn) u korijenu, stablu, listu i plodudivlje borovnice i zemljišnim supstratima kako bi se procijenila biodostupnost i migracija elemenataiz zemljišnih supstrata u korijen i određene nadzemne dijelove biljke.Što se tiče toksičnih metala As nije detektovan u borovnici. Borovnica je pokazala i vrlo malistepen akumulacije Pb u svim dijelovima biljke što je od izuzetne važnosti, s obzirom da je BCRsekvencijalna ekstrakcija potvrdila izuzetnu mobilnost a samim tim i biodostupnost Pb na ispitivanomzemljišnom supstratu. U slučaju Cd nešto veći biokoncentracioni faktor se javlja kod korijena biljke,mada je njegova vrijednost bila ispod jedinice. Ipak, vrijednost translacionog faktora ukazuje, što jetakođe vrlo važno, da se ovaj toksični mikroelement u značajnijoj mjeri transportuje do stabla negoplodova i listova borovnice. Dobijeni translokacioni podaci vezani za ispitivane toksične metale,pored biokoncentracionih vrijednosti pokazali su da se plod i listovi borovnice mogu bezbjednoprimjenjivati kako u ishrani stanovništva tako i u tradicionalnoj medicini.Visoka bioakumulaciona vrijednost u plodu borovnice zabilježena je samo za K. Ono što jeinteresantno je da ovaj makroelement jedini i pokazuje značajan stepen translokacije prema ploduborovnice. Sa druge strane, Ca, Mg, K, Fe, Al, Sr, Ba, Mn, Cu i Zn se u vrlo značajnoj mjeritransportuju od korijena do listova, dok su Ca, Mg, K, Sr, Ba, Mn i Zn takođe pokazali velikusposobnost akumuliraja u listu borovnice.Dnevni doprinos Cr, Mn i Cu iz jedne porcije ispitivanih borovnica je vrlo značajan, s obziromna preporučene vrijednosti dnevne potrebe esencijalnih elemenata, prema direktivi Evropske unije. Sdruge strane, konzumiranjem 100 g ispitivane borovnice unijeti toksični metali čini samo maliprocenat od maksimalno prihvatljivog na dnevnom nivou, što nam ukazuje da borovnica nepredstavlja toksikološki rizik po zdravlje konzumatora.Osnovni cilj ove teze bilo je i ispitivanje korelacije između hemijskog sastava iantioksidativne moći ekstrakata divlje borovnice (lista i ploda) dobijenih različitim ekstrakcionimpostupcima: Soxhlet ekstrakcijom, postupkom maceracije i ekstrakcijom vrelom vodom. Iako suhemijski profil i antioksidativni kapacitet borovnice prilično ispitani, ovo je prvo istraživanja onjihovoj korelaciji u različitim ekstraktima lista i ploda borovnice.Uzimajući u obzir da se biljni vodeni infuzi najčešće koriste za pripremu tradicionalnihfitopreparata, ali uzimajući u obzir i činjenicu da industrijska proizvodnja obično koristi etanol kaorastvarač, koristili smo različite metode ekstrakcije i rastvarače različitih polarnosti za nalaženjepogodnih uslova za dobijanje ekstrakata bogatih polifenolima.Ovo istraživanje je potvrdilo da su ispitivani ekstrakti lista i ploda borovnice izuzetno bogatifenolnim jedinjenjima i da posjeduju visoku antioksidativnu aktivnost mjerenu dvjemaspektrofotometrijskim metodama čiji rezultati su potvrđeni takođe i cikličnom voltametrijom. Našiekstrakti pokazali su visok stepen korelacije između sadržaja fenola, tanina, flavonoida, antocijana,procijanidina, makroelemenata i mikroelemenata i njihove antioksidativne aktivnosti.U ovom istraživanju, potvrđen je i veliki uticaj primjenjenog postupka ekstrakcije na sadržajfenolnih jedinjenja u ispitivanim ekstraktima. HPLC analizom u ispitivanim ekstraktima lista i plodaborovnice identifikovano je osamnaest fenolnih jedinjenja, u različitim količinama, koji su u literaturiprepoznati kao nosioci antidijabetskog potencijala. Najzastupljenija fenolna kiselina u ekstraktimabila je hlorogenska kiselina, praćena protokatehinskom kiselinom, dok su u značajnim količinama uispitivanim ekstraktima zastupljeni i resveratrol, izokvercetin, kvercetin, hiperozid...

Opis (srp)

Hemija - Analitička hemija / Chemistry- Analytyical Chemistry Datum odbrane: 19.04.2022.

Opis (eng)

The subject of our research was investigation of different extracts of bilberry, (Vacciniummyrtillus L, Ericaceae), a plant widespread in Montenegro, traditionally used in the treatment ofdiabetes, but also recognised as valuable nutraceutical.As bilberry is a source of macroelements and microelements in different concentrations, oneof the aims of this investigation was to determine the concentrations of 16 elements including macro(Al, Ca, Fe, K and Mg) and microelements (As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr and Zn) in roots,stems, leaves and fruits of wild bilberry and corresponding soil sample in order to investigate elementmobility and availability in soil and the manner of translocation of elements taken up from the soil tothe roots and the above-ground parts of the plant. Depending on the concentration, the abovementionedelements might be present in traces, representing the essentuials metals necessary forregular metabolic process, but being present in greater quantities they can be potentially toxic.Regarding toxic metals, As was not detected in bilberry. Pb had also low bio-concentrationfactor in all the parts of bilberry, which is extremely important, because the obtained results of appliedBCR sequential extraction procedure revealed that Pb could be considered as the most easilymobilized metal in investigated soil samples. In the case of Cd, a slightly higher bioconcentrationfactor occurs at the roots of the plant, although its value was below one. However, the value of thetranslation factor indicates, which is also very important, that this toxic microelement is translocatedto the stems mostly but not to leaves or fruits. The obtained translocation data related to the researchedtoxic metals, in addition to bio-concentration values, shows that the fruits and leaves of bilberry maysafely be used in both human nutrition and traditional medicine.The high bioconcentration value in the fruits was only found for K. Interestingly, this is theonly element that has showed a significant level of translocation to the fruits. On the other hand, Ca,Mg, K, Fe, Al, Sr, Ba, Mn, Cu and Zn were mostly translocated from roots to leaves, while Ca, Mg,K, Sr, Ba, Mn and Zn also exhibited a high capability to be accumulated in leaves.The daily contribution of Cr, Mn and Cu from one portion of the examined bilberry was verysignificant, considering the recommended daily allowance values of these essential elements, inaccordance to the Directive of European Union. On the other hand, by consuming 100 g of testedbilberry, the intake of toxic elements was only a small percentage of the maximum tolerable dailyintake, which indicates that bilberry possessed no toxicological risk to the consumer’s health.Taking into account the abovementioned, the additional aim of this study was to investigatethe correlation between chemical profile and antioxidant activity of wild bilberry extracts (leaves andfruits), obtained by different extraction procedures, namely Soxhlet extraction, maceration andinfusion. Although bilberry have been described elsewhere in terms of their chemical profile and/ortheir antioxidant capacities, this the first research focusing on their correlation in different types ofbilberry leaves and fruits extracts.Althoughthe water herbal infusions are most often used for preparation of traditionalphytopreparations, the industrial scale production usually employes ethanol as a solvent, differentextraction methods and solvents with different polarity were used to establish the suitable conditionsfor obtaining the extracts rich in polyphenolic composition.Our results revealed that all investigated bilberry leaves and fruits extracts were rich inphenolic compounds and demonstrated good antioxidant activity measured by using twospectrophotometric methods, the results verified with the cyclic voltammetry tests, as well. Ourextracts showed a high degree of correlation between phenols, tannins, flavonoids, anthocyanins,procyanidins, macro and microelements content and their antioxidant activity.This research also enabled to determine the effect of applied extraction procedure on thephenolic content in examined extracts. Using a HPLC method, we confirmed the presence of eighteenindividual phenolic compounds in different amounts in the leaves and fruits extracts, known from theup to date literature data to possess antidiabetic potential...






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Analitička hemija

Vaccinium myrtillus, makroelementi i mikroelementi, zemljišni supstrat, sekvencijalna ekstrakcija, nutritivna vrijednost, zdravstveni rizik, antioksidativna aktivnost, fenolna jedinjenja, ciklična voltametrija, analiza glavnih komponenata


OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Analitička hemija

Vaccinium myrtillus, macroelements and microelements, soil substrate, sequential extraction, nutrition value, health risk, antioxidant activity, phenolic compounds, cyclic voltammetry, principal component analysis