Bismi l-Lahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim al-hamdulil-Lahi l-ladi...
Al-Hatib je bio asketski, vredni naučnik sklon veri, pouzdani stručnjak za hadis, koji je živeo daleko od prinčevskih dvorova, velikodušnog, ozbiljnog i iskrenog vladanja i neumoran i pažljiv u radu. Napisao je deset hiljada stranica u ukupno sto četiri knjige od kojih mnoge ostaju sve do današnjeg dana autoritativni priručnici u domenu nauke o hadisu zapaženi po uvidu i svestranosti. Ibn Hadžar je u uvodu u delo Šarhnuhba al-fikar rekao sledeće: "Teško da postoji ijedna naučna disciplina na planu hadisa u kojoj al-Hatib nije bio autor nekog dela." Potom je naveo stručnjaka za hadis Ibn Nuktu: "Ko god odaje priznanje tamo gde je ono potrebno zna da svi naučnici hadisa posle al-Hatiba zavise od njegovih knjiga." Godina izdavanja: 1763/64.
Al-Khatib was an ascetic, industrious scholar given to worship, a trustworthy hadith master withdrawn from the courts of princes, generous, grave and earnest in his manners, and both tireless and meticulous in his work. He wrote 10,000 pages totalling 104 books, many of them remaining to our time authoritative manuals in hadith science noted for their insight and wide compass. Ibn Hajar said in his introduction to SharhNukhba al-Fikar: "There is hardly a single discipline among the sciences of hadith in which al-Khatib didnot author a monograph." Then he cited the hadith master Ibn Nuqta'spraise: "Whoever gives credit where credit is due knows that hadith scholars, after al-Khatib, all depend on his books." Year of publishing: 1763/64.
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