Title (srp)

Fizička aktivnost i društveni status: studija slučaja moriške nekropole u Ostojićevu : doktorska disertacija


Vučetić, Dragana D., 1979-


Stefanović, Sofija, 1972-
Vranić, Ivan, 1983-
Porčić, Marko, 1981-

Description (srp)

U doktorskoj tezi je analizirana izraženost mišićno-skeletnih pripoja na skeletima iz ranobronzane nekropole Ostojićevo. Bronzano doba predstavlja bitan period u praistoriji društva, jer u tom razdoblju počinje da se koristi nova tehnologija, i primenjuju se novi načini obrade metala. U takvom okruženju se stvaraju elementi za postojanje društvene moći. Predmet rada je bio da se utvrdi da li je aktivnost u korelaciji sa vertikalnim statusom, horizontalnim (rodom, starošću), i koliko intenzivno je svaki pojedinac obavljao aktivnosti, ili skup aktivnosti. Analiza skeleta iz Ostojićeva je rađena prema polu (muški i ženski), individualnoj starosti i društvenom statusu. Individue su bile podeljene u tri starosne kategorije: 20 - 35 godina; 35 - 50 godina, više od 50 godina. Koristio se vizuelni metod bodovanja markera stresa i urađena je analiza metričkih karakteristika dugih kostiju kako bi se moglo zaključiti u kojoj meri ova 2 pristupa koreliraju. Posmatrala su se 23 mišićna pripoja na dugim kostima. Izraženost mišićnih pripoja se ocenjivala na skali koja je imala pet kategorija: 1a, 1b, 1c, 2 i 3. Pol i individualna starost su utvrđeni na osnovu standardnih antropoloških metoda, a društveni status na osnovu pretpostavke da različiti grobni prilozi ukazuje na različit položaj pojedinca u društvu. U radu je postavljeno nekoliko hipoteza. Hipoteza 1 je potvrdila da postoji veza između fizičke aktivnosti i vertikalnog društvenog statusa. Mišićni pripoji kod oba pola su bili malo više izraženi kod pripadnika nižeg statusa. Hipoteza 2 se odnosila na pretpostavku da je izraženost pripoja u zavisnosti od polne pripadnosti. Utvrđeno je da je postojao polni dimorfizam, muškarci su imali više izražene mišićne pripoje, ali, najverovatnije zbog veće mase, a ne zbog razlike u aktivnosti, ili intenzivnijeg fizičkog napora. Hipoteza 3 je u potpunosti potvrđena- starije osobe kod oba pola su imale više izražene mišićne pripoje. Hipoteza 4 je tvrdila da su obrasci aktivnosti i društvenog statusa slični kao u Mokrinu. Nije potvrđena u potpunosti, muškarci višeg statusa u Mokrinu su imali više izražene pripoje, za razliku od žena koje su radile manje. U Ostojićevu, manje izražene pripoje su imali svi pripadnici višeg statusa. Hipoteza 5 je tvrdila da postoji korelacija markera aktivnosti i metričkih korelata. Utvrđena je statistička razlika između polova, ali ne u odnosu na starost i vertikalni status.

Description (srp)

Arheologija - Biofizička antropologija / Archaeology - Biophysical anthropology Datum odbrane: 4.4.2016.

Description (eng)

The doctoral thesis analyses the prominence of muscle attachment sites in skeletons recovered from the early Bronze age necropolis Ostojićevo. The Bronze Age is an important period for prehistoric societies due to the development of new technologies and new methods of metal processing. Such an environment provided conditions for the creation of social power. The aim of the study was to determine whether activity is correlated with the vertical and horizontal status (gender, age), and how extensively each individual was performing activities, or a set of activities. Analysis of the skeletons from Ostojićevo was done by gender (male and female), individual age and social status. The individuals were divided into three age categories: 20 - 35 years; 35 -5 0 years, more than 50 years. A visual method of scoring stress markers was conducted along with analysis of metric characteristics on the long bones in order to determine the extent of correlation of these two approaches. In total 23 muscle attachments were observed on the long bones. The prominence of the muscle attachment sites were visually scored using a scale of 3 levels and five categories: 1a, 1b, 1c, 2 and 3. Individual gender and age were determined based on standard anthropological methods, whereas social status was based on the assumption that artefacts found within the grave indicated different societal positions. The paper had several hypotheses. Hypothesis 1 confirmed a connection between physical activity and vertical social status. Muscle attachments in both sexes were slightly more pronounced in persons of lower status. Hypothesis 2 regarded the supposition that the expression of attachment sites was dependent on gender. Sexual dimorphism was confirmed as males had more pronounced muscle attachments; however, this was most likely due to greater mass and not because of differences in activities, or intensity of the physical work. Hypothesis 3 is completely confirmed- elderly individuals of both sexes had more pronounced muscle attachments. Hypothesis 4 claimed that the pattern of activity and social status were similar to those in Mokrin. It is not confirmed completely as men of higher status in Mokrin had more pronounced muscles, as opposed to women who worked less, while in Ostojićevo all members of higher status had less pronounced muscle attachments. Hypothesis 5 argued that there is a correlation between activity markers and metric characteristics. There was a statistical difference between the sexes, but not in relation to the age and vertical status.

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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Arheologija

bronzano doba, Ostojićevo, bioarheologija, mišićno-skeletni markeri stresa, enteze.

OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Arheologija

Bronze Age, Ostojićevo, bioarchaeology, musculoskeletal stress markers, enthesis