Title (fas)



Hafiz, Šams ad-Din Muhammad


Ibn Hamr, Bayazid

Description (eng)

This is a copy of Diwan (collection of rhymes) by a famous Persian poet, Hafiz. He is still, even today, regarded as one of the best Persian poets. Since his poetry used to be very appreciated all around the Islamic world, many copies have been done. This is a sample made in Argirokastra, nowadays Albania, three and a half centuries ago. It is in a good condition, very well preserved. A very nice piece of art. Year of publishing: 1659.

Description (srp)

Ovo je prepis Divana (zbirke stihova) čuvenog persijskog pesnika Hafiza. On se i dalje, čak i dan-danas, smatra jednim od najboljih persijskih pesnika. Pošto je njegova poezija svojevremeno cenjena po celom islamskom svetu, nastalo je mnogo prepisa. Ovo je primerak nastao u Argikastri, današnjoj Albaniji, pre tri i po veka. Prilično lepo umetničko delo. Godina izdavanja: 1659.

Object languages





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