Naslov (srp)

Efekti privatizacije na performanse industrijskih preduzeća u Srbiji : doktorska disertacija


Nikolić, Ivan D., 1975-


Jovanović-Gavrilović, Biljana, 1953-

Opis (eng)

The aim of the dissertation is to research privatization effects on the performance of industrial companies, with a particular emphasis on the creation of gross value added and profitability of the Serbian economy in the period 2002-2007. The late 2007 period was taken in order to exclude the distortion effect caused by the global economic crisis. It is a non-standard approach to the analysis of financial statements. Through the analysis of gross value added and the dynamics thereof by ownership forms, size and companies’ activities, contribution of the privatized companies to economic growth, i.e. to movements in productivity, employment and labor costs on the level of overall economy is assessed. Thereby, the greatest attention has been paid to the results of privatized industrial companies. In elaborating the initial hypotheses, i.e. their confirmation or denial, the following scientific research methods have been used: (a) methods of analysis and synthesis, (b) comparative method aimed at evaluating the results of certain subsets of companies, (c) statistical methods, where a panel analysis disclosed the way in which the results of each of the observed ownership forms have changed over time in different sectors and branches of the industry. On the other hand, the panel analysis has also tested the hypothesis according to which privatization effects on the companies’ performances significantly vary depending on the company size, whereby the effects of capital sales model have been implicitly assessed. Generally speaking, it can be said the period 2002-2007 was marked by highly visible and rapid change of ownership structure that was enabled by the 2001 Privatization Law. The private sector was superior in terms of gross value added growth, productivity and low labor costs, but the result of the original private sector within it was highly better than the result of privatized companies. Private companies reported the fastest growth, absorbed the surplus labor force and were almost the only ones that contributed to the value added increase in the economy. Unlike privatized companies, the original private sector, especially companies in the state and social ownership, reported above-average productivity and the lowest labor costs, so they can be considered the winners of the transition. Privatized companies provide modest contribution to the creation of gross value added in Serbia, and the privatization in the segment of overall industry has met expectations only in certain branches of manufacturing industry. According to the greatest number of observed indicators, privatized companies that stood out in the positive sense, including the year 2007, belonged to the following branches: (a) production of other non-metallic mineral products, (b) production of tobacco products, (c) production of food products and beverages (d) production of base metals, and (e) production of coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel. On the other hand, the worst performance was reported by the privatized companies from the following branches: (a) production of furniture, (b) textile industry, and (c) production of other means of transportation.

Opis (srp)

Cilj disertacije je da se ispita efekat privatizacije na performanse industrijskih preduzeća, s posebnim naglaskom na stvaranje bruto dodate vrednosti i rentabilitet privrede Srbije u periodu 2002-2007. Kraj perioda 2007. je uzet da bi se isključio efekat poremećaja usled svetske ekonomske krize. Radi se o nestandardnom pristupu analizi finansijskih izveštaja. Analizom bruto dodate vrednosti i njene dinamike po svojinskim oblicima, veličini i delatnostima preduzeća ocenjuje se doprinos privatizovanih preduzeća privrednom rastu, odnosno kretanju produktivnosti, zaposlenosti i troškova rada na nivou cele privrede. Pri tome, najveća pažnja je posvećena rezultatima privatizovanih industrijskih preduzeća. U elaboriranju polaznih hipoteza, odnosno njihovom potvrđivanju ili opovrgavanju korišćene su sledeće metode naučno-istraživačkog rada: (a) metode analize i sinteze; (b) komparativni metod u cilju sagledavanja rezultata pojedinih podskupova preduzeća; (c) statistički metodi, gde je panel analizom pokazano kako su se rezultati svakog od posmatranih svojinskih oblika u različitim sektorima i oblastima industrije menjali kroz vreme. S druge strane, panel analizom je i testirana hipoteza da efekti privatizacije na performanse preduzeća značajno variraju u zavisnosti od njegove veličine, čime se implicitno ocenjuju i efekti modela prodaje kapitala. Ukupno uzevši, može se reći da je period 2002-2007. obeležen veoma vidljivom i brzom promenom vlasničke strukture koja je omogućena Zakonom o privatizaciji iz 2001. godine. Privatni sektor je bio superioran u pogledu rasta bruto dodate vrednosti, produktivnosti i niskih troškova rada, ali unutar njega rezultat izvornog privatnog sektora je neuporedivo bolji od rezultata privatizovanih preduzeća. Privatna preduzeća su najbrže rasla, apsorbovala višak radne snage i gotovo jedina doprinosila porastu dodate vrednosti u privredi. Izvorni privatni sektor ima, za razliku od privatizovanih preduzeća, a naročito preduzeća u državnoj i društvenoj svojini, nadprosečnu produktivnost i najniže troškove rada, te se može reći da je i pobednik tranzicije. Privatizovana preduzeća daju skroman doprinos stvaranju bruto dodate vrednosti u Srbiji, a privatizacija u segmentu ukupne industrije je ispunila očekivanja samo u pojedinim oblastima prerađivačke industrije. Po najvećem broju posmatranih indikatora u pozitivnom smislu su se zaključno sa 2007. izdvajala privatizovana preduzeća iz oblasti: (a) proizvodnje proizvoda od ostalih nemetalnih minerala; (b) proizvodnje duvanskih proizvoda; (c) proizvodnje prehrambenih proizvoda i pića; (d) proizvodnje osnovnih metala i (e) proizvodnje koksa, derivata nafte i nuklearnog goriva. S druge strane, najslabije performanse imala su privatizovana preduzeća iz oblasti: (a) proizvodnje nameštaja; (b) tekstilne industrije i (c) proizvodnje ostalih saobraćajnih sredstava.

Opis (srp)

Društvene nauke - Ekonomska analiza i politika / Social sciences - Economic analysis and policy Datum odbrane: 16.01.2014.






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Srbija

privatizacija, restrukturiranje, prerađivačka industrija, produktivnost, troškovi rada, profitabilnost

OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Srbija

privatization, manufacturing industry, productivity, labor costs, profitability