Naslov (srp)

Komparativna analiza agenasa za biološku kontrolu patogenih gljiva izolovanih sa lekovitih biljaka : doktorska disertacija


Stević, Tatjana


Berić, Tanja
Šavikin, Katarina
Stanković, Slaviša
Soković, Marina
Gođevac, Dejan

Opis (srp)

Primena lekovitog bilja i njihovih preparata u prevenciji i lečenju različitih poremećaja u ljudskom organizmu može biti ograničena njihovom mogućom kontaminacijom fitopatogenim gljivama i mikotoksinima. Saznanja o riziku pri primeni hemijskih fungicida po rukovaoca, potrošača i životnu sredinu, dovela su do povećanja interesa za uvođenje alternativnih mera u zaštiti bilja, gde posebno mesto pripada preparatima prirodnog porekla tzv. agensima biološke kontrole. Biološka kontrola podrazumeva primenu korisnih mikroorganizama (bakterija, kvasaca, gljiva) ili produkata njihovog metabolizma, kao i primenu biljnih ekstrakata i etarskih ulja u zaštiti biljaka. Ispitivanjem preko 40 vrsta lekovitog bilja najlošiji mikrobiološki kvalitet utvrđen je za sledeće droge: kukuruznu svilu, list i herbu nane, list koprive, herbu rastavića i cvet nane. Iako su na svim biljnim drogama utvrđene mešovite infekcije gljivama iz različitih rodova, većina izolovanih vrsta gljiva pripada rodu Fusarium, a potom Aspergillus i Alternaria. Osim pomenutih, identifikovani su i predstavnici rodova: Penicillium, Phoma, Cephalosporium, Nigrospora, Cladosporium, Epicoccum, Gliocladium, Myrothecium, Cercospora, Phomopsis, Verticillum, Dreschlera (=Bipolaris), Rhizoctonia, Septoria, Trichoderma, Curvularia, Stahybotrys, Trichotecium, Puccinia, Botrytis, Mucor i Rhizopus sp., u zavisnosti od biljne droge. U cilju pronalaženja efikasnog biokontrolog agensa ispitivali smo mogućnost primene etarskih ulja i izolata Bacillus sp. u kontroli odabranih identifikovanih gljiva. U tom smislu, odabrali smo sledeće vrste gljiva: Fusarium solani, F. equiseti, F. oxysporum (izolovani sa kukuruzne svile i nevena), F. tricinctum, F. semitectum, F. sporotrichioides, F. subglutinans, Aspergillus flavus, A. niger, Alternaria alternata, Penicillium sp., Chaetomium sp., Curvularia lunata, Trichoderma viride, Trichotecium roseum, Gliocladium roseum, Myrotechium verrucaria, Phoma sp., Phomopsis sp. i Verticillium dahliae...

Opis (srp)

Biologija - Biologija mikroorganizama / Biology - Biology of microorganisms Datum odbrane : 23.04.2013

Opis (eng)

The application of medicinal plants and their preparations for the prevention and treatment of various disorders in humans may be limited by the possible contamination with phytopathogenic fungi and mycotoxins. Risk of using chemical fungicides for the operator, the consumer and the environment, have led to increasing interest in the introduction of alternative measures in plant protection. Lately, preparations of natural origin, so-called biological control agents are in the focus of investigation. Biological control involves the use of beneficial microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts, fungi) or the products of their metabolism, as well as the application of plant extracts and essential oils in plant protection. Examining over 40 stored dried medicinal plant species the lowest microbial quality were determined for next herbal drugs: Maydis stigmata (corn silk), Mentha leaf and herb (mint herb and leaf), Urtica leaf (nettle leaf), Equisetum herb (horsetail herb) and Calendula flower (marigold flower). Although mixed infections was recorded with different types of fungus the Fusarium was noted as the most dominant genera for most tested drugs, followed by Aspergillus and Alternaria. Twelve species of the genus Fusarium was identified. In addition, species from the following genera were identified: Phoma, Cephalosporium, Nigrospora, Cladosporium, Epicoccum, Gliocladium, Myrothecium, Cercospora, Phomopsis, Verticillum, Dreschlera (=Bipolaris), Rhizoctonia, Septoria, Trichoderma, Curvularia, Stahybotrys, Trichotecium, Puccinia, Botrytis, Mucor and Rhizopus sp. depending on plant species. In order to find an effective biological control agent, we investigated the possibility of applying the essential oils and isolates of Bacillus sp. in the control of selected identified fungi. In this regard, we chose the following fungal species: Fusarium solani, F. equiseti, F. oxysporum (isolated from corn silk and marigold flower), F. tricinctum, F. semitectum, F. sporotrichioides, F. subglutinans, Aspergillus flavus, A. niger, Alternaria alternata, Penicillium sp., Chaetomium sp., Curvularia lunata, Trichoderma viride, Trichotecium roseum, Gliocladium roseum, Myrotechium verrucaria, Phoma sp., Phomopsis sp. and Verticillium dahliae...






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Ekologija mikroorganizama

pathogenic fungi, biological control, essential oils, antifungal activity, Bacillus sp. isolates, lipopeptide extracts of isolates, antagonism

OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Ekologija mikroorganizama

fitopatogene gljive, biološka kontrola, etarska ulja, antifungalna aktivnost, izolati Bacillus sp., ekstrakti izolata antagonista, antagonizam

[[633.7+579.852.1]:[581.135.5:581.573]]:582.282.123 (043.3)