Naslov (srp)

Ispitivanje sadržaja teških metala i metaloida u tkivima rečne ribe kao pokazatelja bezbednosti mesa ribe i zagađenja životne sredine : doktorska disertacija


Milanov, Raša, 1959-


Baltić, Milan Ž., 1948-
Teodorović, Vlado, 1962-
Dimitrijević, Mirjana, 1969-
Krstić, Milena, 1971-
Đinović-Stojanović, Jasna

Opis (srp)

Cilj ispitivanja u okviru ove doktorske disertacije je utvrđivanje sadržaja teških metala i metaloida (Hg, Cd, Pb, As, Fe, Zn, Ni, Cu) u sedimentu i vodi reke Dunava (na dva profila, profil A- Batajnica,Belegiš, profil B- Vinča, Grocka) kao i mišićnom tkivu i organima riba (Pb, Cd, Hg, As) što može da posluži kao pokazatelj bezbednosti ribe kao namirnice, ali i kao pokazatelj zagađenja životne sredine. Za potrebe ispitivanja uzorkovano je po deset uzoraka vode, odnosno sedimenta sa profila A i profila B (40 uzoraka). Uzorci ribe (tolstolobik, šaran, som) uzeti su od lokalnih profesionalnih ribara. Od svake vrste ribe na profilu A i na profilu B, uzeto je po 15 uzoraka ribe (ukupno 90 riba). Za ispitivanje sadržaja teških metala i arsena od svake ribe uzet je uzorak mišićnog tkiva, jetre i digestivni trakt (ukupno 270 uzoraka). Za ispitivanja korišćen je atomski apsorpcioni spektofotometar. Na ispitivanim profilima sadržaj olova, žive i nikla u vodi Dunava bio je ispod praga osetljivosti primenjenih metoda ispitivanja. Prosečan sadržaj cinka, arsena i bakra bio je u uzorcima vode na ispitivanim profilima ispod, a gvožđa iznad propisanih vrednosti za kvalitet vode druge klase. Prosečan sadržaj arsena i teških metala (Pb, Cd, Hg, Zn, Fe, Ni i Cu) u uzorcima sedimanta Dunava uzetim na profilu B (nizvodno od Beograda) bio je statistički značajno veći od prosečnog sadržaja ovih elemenata u uzorcima sedimenta uzetih na profilu A (uzvodno od Beograda). U mišićnom tkivu i jetri tolstolobika izlovljenog na profilu B sadržaj Pb, Cd, Hg i As bio je statistički značajno veći od sadržaja ovih elemenata u mišićnom tkivu i jetri tolstolobika izlovljenog na profilu A. Između prosečnog sadržaja ispitivanih elemenata u digestivnom traktu tolstolobika izlovljenih na profilima A odnosno B nije utvrđena, statistički, značajna razlika.Sa izutetkom prosečnog sadržaja žive u mišićnom tkivu i prosečnog sadržaja olova u jetri šarana (veći kod šarana izlovljenog na profilu B) nisu utvrđene, statistički, značajne razlike između prosečnog sadržaja arsena i teških metala u mišićnom tkivu, digestivnom traktu i jetri šarana izlovljenog na profilu A i B...

Opis (srp)

Veterinarska medicina - Higijene i tehnologija mesa / Veterinary medicine- Hygiene and meat technology Datum odbrane: 11.07.2014

Opis (eng)

The aim of examination within this doctoral dissertation is determination of the content of heavy metals and metaliods (Hg, Cd, Pb, As, Fe, Zn, Ni, Cu) in the sediment and water of river Danube (at two profiles, profile A Batajnica,Belegiš, profile BVinča, Grocka) as well as mascular tissue and organs of fish (Pb, Cd, Hg, As) which can serve as an indicator of safety of fish as food but also as an indicator of environmental pollution. For the purpose of examination, ten samples of water and ten samples of sediment from the profile A and profile B was sampled (40 samples). Samples of fish (silver carp, carp, catfish) were taken from local professional fisherman. 15 samples of fish was taken from each type of fish at profile A and profile B (90 fish in total). For the examination of the content of heavy metals and arsenic, from each fish, a sample of muscular tissue, liver and digestive tract was taken (in total 270 samples). For the examination, atomic absorption spectrophotometer was used. At the examined profiles, the content of lead, mercury and nickel in Danube water was under the treshold of sensitivity of applied examination methods. The average content of zinc, arsenic and copper in water samples at the examined profiles was under, and content of iron above prescribed values for the quality of water of the second class. The average content of arsenic and heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Hg, Zn, Fe, Ni and Cu) in samples of sediment of Danube taken at profile B (downstream of Belgrade) was statistically significantly bigger than the average content of these elements in the samples of sediment taken at profile A (upstream from Belgrade). In muscular tissue and liver of silver carp caught at profile B the content of Pb, Cd, Hg and As was statistically significantly bigger than the content of these elements in muscular tissue and liver of silver carp caught at profile A. Between average contentof examined elements in digestive tract of silver carp caught at profiles A and B statistically significant difference was not determined. With an exception of averagecontent of mercury in muscular tissue and average content of lead in the liver of carp(bigger at carp caught at profile B) statistically significant differences between average content of arsenic and heavy metals in muscular tissue, digestive tract and liver of carp caught at profiles A and B were not determined...






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Sanitarna inspekcija animalnih proizvoda

river fish, arsenic, heavy metals, safety, water pollution

OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Sanitarna inspekcija animalnih proizvoda

rečna riba, arsen, teški metali, bezbednost, zagađenje vode
