Naslov (srp)

Домаће игране ТВ серије у југословенској и постјугословенској популарној култури : докторска дисертација


Simeunović Bajić, Nataša. 1979-


Milivojević, Snježana, 1956-
Đorđević, Jelena, 1951-
Stojković, Branimir, 1947-

Opis (eng)

Popular culture that has been generated for decades in former Yugoslavia and present day Serbia is very important for research work, because it doesn't represent a neutral notion, but rather the field in which tensely crossed influences of different political and social practices appear. Popular culture has a discursive character since no agreement has been reached, neither about popular culture as a Yugoslav product, nor about overall prosperity in former Yugoslavia. Due to its openness toward the West and its balanced foreign policy toward the major political forces, Yugoslavia had not only generated a stronger overall social development and taken a well-recognized neutral position on the international political scene, but had also built a solid foundation for the creation of a popular culture. However, popular culture began to develop rapidly and expand not only due to the previously mentioned reasons, but primarily as a consequence of the beginnings of a new, powerful medium ─ television. That initial years, 1958/1959, the first Yugoslav Television series Service station (Servisna stanica) was broadcast and immediately created a new television audience. However, scholars have focused their attention primarily to the research of popular culture in everyday life in former Yugoslavia, as well as to its influence on later cultural phenomena, to audience reception and post-socialist identity formation. These are mainly papers written in English by authors who come from former Yugoslavia. Only a few studies on popular music and Yugoslav movies have been published in Serbian. There are no studies on Television series, although the characteristic popular culture and the most important social issues are represented in this television form especially...

Opis (srp)

Популарна култура, стварана деценијама на простору бивше Југославије и садашње Србије драгоцена је за проучавање, јер представља терен на коме се показују напета укрштања утицаја различитих политичких и друштвених пракси. Она је дискурзивног карактера. Не постоји сагласност ни о њој као југословенском продукту нити о укупном просперитету у бившој Југославији. Због своје отворености ка Западу и балансирања спољне политике према великим политичким, Југославија је обезбедила не само снажни општи друштвени развој и препознатљиву неутралну позиционираност на тадашњој светској политичкој сцени него и добру подлогу за стварање популарне културе. Међутим, популарна култура почиње нагло да се развија и шири не само из претходно наведених разлога него првенствено захваљујући почецима рада телевизије као новог моћног медија масовног комуницирања...

Opis (srp)

Политичке науке - Комуникологија и информатика / Political sciences - Communication and information studies Datum odbrane: 21.09.2015.






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Filmski žanrovi, predmet, stil

ТВ серије, телевизија, популарна култура, културне студије, публика, дискурзивна анализа, Југославија, Србија

OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Filmski žanrovi, predmet, stil

TV series, television, popular culture, cultural studies, audiences, discourseanalysis, Yugoslavia, Serbia