Brendiranje u visokom obrazovanju
U svetu u kojem se obrazovanje smatra vrednom investicijom u budućnost, fakulteti se suočavaju sa sve većim pritiskom da privuku najbolje studente. U tom kontekstu, koncepti kvaliteta, popularnosti i prestiža postaju snažni faktori u izboru visokoobrazovne institucije, jer su nam danas na raspolaganju različite obrazovne usluge.Osim što se bore za pažnju studenata, fakulteti se suočavaju sa potrebom da izgrade snažan identitet koji odražava autentične vrednosti. Iz tog razloga, fenomen brendiranja fakulteta dobija sve više na važnosti. Brendiranje fakulteta nije samo poslovna taktika; ono predstavlja složen proces izgradnje identiteta i prepoznatljivosti fakulteta koji se temelji na vrednostima i obećanjima koje fakultet pruža svojim studentima, a oni uzvraćuju svojom lojalnošću. Zato brendiranje predstavlja jednu dublju težnju da se stvori zajednica koja omogućava studentima da rastu ne samo akademski, već profesionalno i lično. Dok studenti tragaju za obrazovanjem koje će ih pripremiti za uspešne karijere, fakulteti koji uspešno grade svoj brend su prepoznali da je obrazovanje samo deo jednačine. Vrednosti kao što su lični rast i razvoj, sticanje relevantnih veština, negovanje društvenih vrednosti i kreiranje inspirativnog okruženja možemo da klasifikujemo na instrumentalne, intrinzičke, društveno-odgovorne i one dodatne vrednosti. Zbog svega navedenog, nameću se pitanja kako fakultet može da se izdvoji među mnogobrojnim visokoobrazovnim institucijama, koje vrednosti treba da promoviše i na koji način može da dođe do njih.Kako bismo pokušali da odgovorimo na ova pitanja, u teorijskom delu smo opisali evoluciju univerziteta kao visokoobrazovne institucije, tražeći vrednosti na kojima su izgrađeni savremeni koncepti fakulteta. Poseban deo doktorske disertacije je posvećenom fenomenu brendiranja i njegovim karakteristikama, dok poseban akcenat stavljamo na vrednosti brenda. Istražili smo i trenutnu praksu u polju brendiranja, te se u jednom delu bavimo međunarodnim i domaćim modelima upravljanja obrazovnim brendom. Da bismo utvrdili specifičnosti brenda u visokom obrazovanju i kreirali model brendiranja prilagođenog visokoobrazovnim institucijama, koristili smo mešovit pristup istraživanja. Osnovu specifikuma brenda visokoobrazovne institucije čini mišljenje studenata koje smo dobili tehnikom anketiranja. Udeo aktivnosti operativnih modela menadžmenta u procesu brendiranja fakulteta čini mišljenje članova uprava različitih fakulteta zaduženih za marketing koje smo dobili tehnikom intervjuisanja.U analizi mišljenja studenata, utvrdili smo da studenti smatraju da se brend fakulteta prvenstveno treba graditi na instrumentalnim, potom intrinzičkim, društveno-odgovornim, pa tek na dodatnim vrednostima. Za studente, deset najznačajnijih vrednosti na kojima fakultet može da razvija svoj brend su sledeće: primena naučenog u radnom okruženju, međunarodne profesionalne kvalifikacije, savremeni sadržaj i nova tehnologija, pomoć u savladavanju intelektualnih izazova, podsticanje kreativnosti i autonomije kod studenata, razvoj osećaja ponosa kod studenata jer su deo fakulteta, pozitivan uticaj na ponašanje studenata, dobra reputacija fakulteta, upoznavanje ljudi sličnih interesovanja i sticenja relevantnog radnog iskustva pre završetka studija. Dobijeni rezultati su takođe pokazali da su vrednosti najbitnija karakteristika brenda u obrazovnim uslugama, a da se kroz njihovu manifestaciju razvijaju ostale karakteristike brenda: identitet, prepoznatljivost i lojalnost. Članovi uprave zadužene za marketing su ukazali na različite perspektive i izazove sa kojima se suočavaju u procesu brendiranja svojih fakulteta. Međutim, akcenat najviše stavljaju na unapređenju komunikacije sa studentima, unapređenju saradnje sa ostalim fakultetima, kreiranju alumni baze, većoj promociji fakulteta kroz direktan kontakt sa studentima i integraciji tradicionalnog marketinga i digitalnih medija. Na osnovu analize literature, mišljenja studenata i članova uprava fakulteta zadužene za marketing, kreirali smo predlog modela brendiranja visokoobrazovne institucije koji se sastoji od pet koraka: idenfitikovanje vrednosti brenda fakulteta, utvrđivanje pozicije brenda fakulteta, kreiranje strategija koje podržavaju razvoj identifikovanih vrednosti brenda, implementacija i oraćenje razvoja vrednosti koje predstavljaju brend fakulteta i evaluacija i održavanje razvijenih vrednosti brenda fakulteta. Predstavljeni model brendiranja je cikličan proces koji treba da posluži svim fakultetima kao polazna osnova za put brendiranja. U zavisnosti od cilja konkretne faze, često će dolaziti do preklapanja modela operativnih menadžmenta u realizaciji konkretnih aktivnosti.
Društvene nauke / Andragogija Datum odbrane: 01.04.2024. Social sciences / andragogy
In a world where education is seen as a valuable investment in the future, faculties are facing increasing pressure to attract the best students. In this context, the concepts of quality, popularity and prestige become significant factors in the choice of university, because today we have various educational services at our disposal. In addition to vying for students attention, faculties face the need to build a strong identity that reflects authentic values. For this reason, the phenomenon of faculty branding is gaining more importance. Faculty branding is not just a business tactic; it represents a complex process of building the identity and recognition of the faculty, based on values and promises the faculty provides to its students, reciprocated with their loyalty. Therefore, branding represents a deeper aspiration to create a community that allows studens to grow not only academically, but professionally and personally. As students seek an education that will prepare them for successful careers, faculties that are successfully branding themselves have recognized that education is only part of the equation. Values such as personal growth and development, acquisition of relevant skills, fostering social values, and creating an inspiring environment can be classified into instrumental, intrinsic, socially responsible, and additional values. Due to all of the above, questions arise as to how the faculty can stand out among numerous higher education institutions, what values it should promote and how it can achieve them.In order to attempt to answer these questions, the theoretical part describes the evolution of the university as higher education institutin, searching for the values on which modern faculty concepts are built. A special section of the doctoral dissertation is dedicated to the phenomenon of branding and its characteristics, with special emphasis on brand values. We also researched the current practice in the field of branding, and in one part we deal with international and domestic models of educational brand management. In order to determine the specifics of the brand in higher education and create a branding model adapted to higher education institutions, we used a mixed research approach. The basis of the specifics of the brand of the higher education institution is the opinion of the students, which we obtained using the survey technique. The share of the activities of the operational management models in the faculty branding process is the opinion of the management members of various faculties in charge of marketing, which we obtained through the interviewing technique.In the analysis of students’ opinions, we found that students believe the faculty’s brand should primarily be built on instrumental, followed by intrinsic, socially responsible values, and only then on additional values. For students the ten most importan values on which facultz can develop its brand are the following: application of what has been learned in the working environment, international professional qualifications, modern content and new technology, help in overcoming intellectual challenges, encouragin creativity and autonomy in students, developing a sense of pride in students because they are part of the faculty, positive influence on student behavior, good reputation of the faculty, meeting people with similar interests and gaining relevant work experience before completing studies. The obtained results also indicate that values are the most important characteristic of the brand in educational services, and that through their manifestation other brand characteristics develop: identity, recognition and loyalty. Members of the administration in charge of marketing emphasized different perspectives and challenges they face in the faculty branding process. However, they put the most emphasis on improving communication with students, improving cooperation with other faculties, creating an alumni base, greater promotion of the faculty through direct contat with students and the integration of traditional marketing and digital media. Based on the analysis of the literature, student opinions and faculty management’s views on branding and marketing, we propose a branding model for higher education institution consisting of five steps: identifying the brand value of the faculty, determining the position of the brand of the faculty, creating strategies that support the development of the identified brand values, implementation and development of the values that represent the brand of the faculty and evaluation and maintenance of the developed values of the faculty’s brand. The presented branding model is a cyclical process that should serve all faculties as a starting point in the branding journey. Depending on the goal of the specific phase, there will often be an overlap of operationalmanagement models in the implementation of specific activities.
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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Ostala pitanja
obrazovne vrednosti, obrazovni brend, upravljanje sistemom obrazovanja odraslih, visoko obrazovanje, marketing u obrazovanju.
OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Ostala pitanja
educational values, educational brand, management of adult education system, higher education, marketing in adult education.