ibn Šaban Unuguštawi, Salih
The husband inherits one-half of the estate, there is no argument on this point. However, if we give the mother a one-third share then the father is left with only one-sixth. Should the male (father) not get twice the share of the female (mother) of equal degree and class? This problem arose during the caliphate of Umar ibnKhattab. After consultation with the learned companions the majority opinion was that the father should get twice the share of the mother, that is to say, the principle that the male inherits the share of two females is upheld. The father therefore, inherits one-third and the mother one-sixth. Year of publishing: 1795.
Muž nasleđuje jednu polovinu imovine, po tom pitanju nema rasprave. Međutim, ako se majci da jedna trećina, onda otac ostaje sa svega jednom šestinom. Zar ne bi trebalo da muškarac (otac) dobije dva puta više od žene (majke) istog stepena i klase? Taj problem se pojavio tokom halifata Umara ibn Hataba. Posle savetovanja sa učenim pratiocima, većina je bila mišljenja da bi otac trebalo da dobije dva puta više od majke pošto se primeni načelo da muškarac nasleđuje dva puta više od žene. Otac stoga nasleđuje jednu trećinu a majka jednu šestinu. Godina izdavanja: 1795.
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