Naslov (ara)

Hašiya ala l-mutawwal


Čelbi, Hasan


, Sultan Umar as-Sudani al-Isfahani

Opis (srp)

Primer arapskog prevoda pre aristotelijanskog preokreta jeste Ibn al-Mukafin (756) prevod logičkog traktata koji je do njega dospeo sa sirijačkog prekopa hlavija. Traktat je usmeren ka Isagogici zatim se okreće prema Kategorijama, O tumačenju i uvodnim delovima Prve analitike o potvrdnim silogizmima. Prevodilački pokret je dobio zamah tokom devetog veka i do tridesetih godina devetog veka krug prevodilaca je bio obrazovan oko Abu Jusufa Jakuba ibn Ishaka al-Kindija. (umro oko 870). Kindi je sročio kratak pregled čitavog Organona dok su članovi tog kruga sastavili: izvod komentara Kategorija, izvod dela O tumačenju, verziju Sofističkih paralogizama i verovatno rani prevod Retorike. Godina izdavanja: 1642.

Opis (eng)

An example of an Arabic translation produced before the Aristotelian turn is the translation by Ibn al-Muqaffa' (ex. 756) of a logic treatise that probably came to him from the Syriac via the Pahlavi. The treatise gestures towards the Eisagoge, then turns to the Categories, On Interpretation, and the introductory parts of the Prior Analytics on assertoric syllogisms. The translation movement continued to pick up momentum through the ninth century, and by the 830s a circle of translators were loosely coordinated around AbûYûsufYa'qûb b. Ishâq al-Kindî (d. c. 870). Kindî produced a short overview of the whole of the Organon, and members of his circle produced: an epitome of and commentary on the Categories; an epitome of On Interpretation; a version of the Sophistical Fallacies; and probably an early translation of the Rhetoric. Year of publishing: 1642.






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